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ISO 16410-1:2017



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Electronic fee collection — Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO 17575-3 — Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes

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The ISO 16410 series provides a suite of tests in order to assess compliance of the Front End and Back End behaviours in relation to the requirements in ISO 17575‑3. ISO 16410-1:2017 contains the definition of such tests in the form of test purposes, listing the required initial conditions, references and individual steps in a structured textual manner. ISO 16410‑2 contains the identical tests written in testing and test control notation version 3 (TTCN v3).

The test purposes defined in ISO 16410-1:2017 reflect the structural and semantic requirements stated in ISO 17575‑3.

- Presence/absence of particular data elements (see ISO 17575‑3:2016, 8.5.5);

- Semantics related to various data elements, e.g.:

  • - Activation of context data and handling multiple contexts (see ISO 17575‑3:2016, 8.3);
  • - Handling the precedence and priority levels (see ISO 17575‑3:2016, 8.5.2 to 8.5.4);
  • - Uniqueness of relevant data elements (see ISO 17575‑3:2016, 8.5.2 to 8.5.4);
  • - Correct definition of the charge objects (see ISO 17575‑3:2016, 8.5.4);

- Fee calculation algorithm (see ISO 17575‑3:2016,;

- Security (see ISO 17575‑3:2016, 7.2).

With regard to the individual data sets and EFC attributes defined in ISO 17575‑3, the test purposes have been organized into the test suite groups, designated for the Front End and Back End respectively.

In addition to the test purposes, ISO 16410-1:2017 also provides proforma conformance test report templates for both the Front End and Back End test purposes and an informative statement on the usage of ISO 16410-1:2017 for the European electronic toll service (EETS).

For more information regarding the requirements against which the conformance is evaluated in ISO 16410-1:2017, refer to ISO 17575‑3.

Testing of the following behaviours and functionalities is outside the scope of ISO 16410-1:2017:

- dynamic behaviour, i.e. sequence of messages and triggering events that must be exchanged/happen to fulfil certain charging scenarios;

- profiles and business logic built on top of particular pricing schemas;

- behaviour invalid of Front End and Back End, BI test purposes are not applicable for any test purpose group (as ISO 17575‑3 does not specify behaviour invalid).

Supersedes ISO/DIS 16410-1 & ISO TS 16410-1. (11/2017)
International Organization for Standardization

Standards Relationship
EN ISO 16410-1:2017 Identical
DIN EN ISO 16410-1:2018-02 Identical
UNE-EN ISO 16410-1:2019 Identical
BS EN ISO 16410-1:2017 Identical

ISO/IEC 9646-7:1995 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Conformance testing methodology and framework Part 7: Implementation Conformance Statements
ISO 17575-3:2016 Electronic fee collection Application interface definition for autonomous systems Part 3: Context data
ISO 17575-1:2016 Electronic fee collection Application interface definition for autonomous systems Part 1: Charging
ISO 17573:2010 Electronic fee collection Systems architecture for vehicle-related tolling
EN 15876-1:2016 Electronic fee collection - Evaluation of on-board and roadside equipment for conformity to EN 15509 - Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes
ISO/IEC 9646-6:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Conformance testing methodology and framework Part 6: Protocol profile test specification
ISO/IEC 9646-2:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Conformance testing methodology and framework Part 2: Abstract Test Suite specification
ISO/TS 17574:2017 Electronic fee collection — Guidelines for security protection profiles
ISO/TS 14907-2:2016 Electronic fee collection Test procedures for user and fixed equipment Part 2: Conformance test for the on-board unit application interface
ISO/IEC 9646-4:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Conformance testing methodology and framework Part 4: Test realization
ISO/IEC 9646-5:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Conformance testing methodology and framework Part 5: Requirements on test laboratories and clients for the conformance assessment process
ISO 14906:2011 Electronic fee collection Application interface definition for dedicated short-range communication
ISO 13141:2015 Electronic fee collection — Localisation augmentation communication for autonomous systems
ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Conformance testing methodology and framework Part 1: General concepts
ISO/IEC 8824-1:2015 Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation Part 1:
ISO 12813:2015 Electronic fee collection Compliance check communication for autonomous systems
ISO/IEC 9646-3:1998 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Conformance testing methodology and framework Part 3: The Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN)
ISO 17575-2:2016 Electronic fee collection Application interface definition for autonomous systems Part 2: Communication and connection to the lower layers

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