BS 3496:1989
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Specification for E glass fibre chopped strand mat for reinforcement of polyester and other liquid laminating systems
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Committees responsible
1. Scope
2. Definitions
3. Manufacture
4. Defects and impurities
5. Property requirements
6. Packaging and marking
A. Quality control testing
B. Guidance for the assessment of the handling
characteristics of the mat
C. Method for the determination of moisture content
D. Method for the determination of loss on ignition
E. Method for the determination of the average mass
per unit area
F. Method for the determination of percentage variation
in mass per unit area
G. Method for the determination of flexural strength
of the laminate
1. Property requirements for the mat
2. Mass to be used in the mat binder solubility test
3. Number of specimens to be cut
1. Apparatus for the determination of mat binder
2. Selection of specimens for the determination of
variation in mass per unit area
3. Mass of glass fibre chopped strand mat to produce
300 mm x 275 mm laminate with a glass content of
42.5% by mass
Composition and physical properties, together with marking and quality control guidance.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
BS 5834-4:1989 | Surface boxes, guards and underground chambers for gas and waterworks purposes Specification for preformed chambers |
BS 4549-1:1997 | Guide to quality control requirements for reinforced plastics mouldings Guide to the preparation of a scheme to control the quality of glass reinforced polyester mouldings |
BS 7491-2:1992 | Glass fibre reinforced plastics cisterns for cold water storage Specification for one-piece cisterns of nominal capacity from 500 L to 25000 L |
BS 7159:1989 | Code of practice for design and construction of glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping systems for individual plants or sites |
BS 7491-3:1994 | Glass fibre reinforced plastics cisterns for cold water storage Specification for sectional tanks |
BS 7158:2001 | Plastics inspection chambers for drains and sewers. Specification |
BS 5480:1990 | Specification for glass reinforced plastics (GRP) pipes, joints and fittings for use for water supply or sewerage |
BS 2782-4:Method 432D:1995 | Methods of testing plastics. Chemical properties Determination of styrene evaporation from unsaturated polyester resins |
BS 4485-4:1996 | Water cooling towers Code of practice for structural design and construction |
BS 4994:1987 | Specification for design and construction of vessels and tanks in reinforced plastics |
BS 2782-10:Method 1006:1978 | Methods of testing plastics. Glass reinforced plastics Determination of volatile matter and resin content of synthetic resin-impregnated textile glass fabric |
ISO 6355:1988 | Textile glass Vocabulary |
BS 2782-3 Method 335A:1978 | Methods of testing plastics. Mechanical properties Determination of flexural properties of rigid plastics |
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