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BS 5489-2:1992



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Road lighting Code of practice for lighting for traffic routes

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Committees responsible
Code of practice
1 Scope
2 Definitions
3 Mounting height
4 Limitation of glare
5 Choice of lamps
6 Lighting of surrounds
7 Lighting of road surface
8 Design spacings
9 Spacings for roads with bends
10 Planning
11 Maintenance and operation
A Step by step illustration of the use of this code
B Determination of photometric quantities and
    luminaire classification
C Production of templates used in designing for bends
1 Lighting requirements for traffic routes
2 Design table: standard presentation
3 r-table for representative British road surface CIE
    type C2
4 Luminaire maintenance factors
5 Evaluation of 10 (L/MF) to the power 0.8
6 I-table for luminaire
7 Terms, abbreviations and symbols
1 Geometry in elevation of a road lighting system
2 Staggered arrangement of luminaires
3 Opposite arrangement of luminaires
4 Single side arrangement of luminaires
5 Twin central on dual carriageway arrangement of
6 Isoluminance templates
7 Inadequate coverage of road
8 Dark area removed by closer spacing
9 Additional luminaire covering two dark areas
10 Spacing set for inside carriageway
11 Additional luminaire covering dark area of outside
12 Typical layout at T junction with pedestrian
13 Typical layout at crossroads with pedestrian
14 Typical luminaire positions adjacent to a pedestrian
15 Relationship of angles alpha, beta, gamma and C
16 Position of calculation points in relation to the
    luminaire and observer
17 Relationship of angle theta to line of sight and
    luminaire position

Recommendations for all-purpose routes up to 15 m in width for single carriageways and up to 2 x 11 m in width for dual carriageways. Motorways are not included. An installation design procedure is detailed.

Supersedes BS 5489: Part 2: 1987
British Standards Institution

BS 5489-5:1992 Road lighting Code of practice for lighting for grade-separated junctions
BS 5489-6:1992 Road lighting Code of practice for lighting for bridges and elevated roads
BS 5489-3:1992 Road lighting Code of practice for lighting for subsidiary roads and associated pedestrian areas
BS 5489-9:1996 Road lighting Code of practice for lighting for urban centres and public amenity areas
BS 5489-7:1992 Road lighting Code of practice for the lighting of tunnels and underpasses
BS 5489-10:1992 Road lighting Code of practice for lighting for motorways
BS 5489-9:1992 Road lighting Code of practice for lighting for urban centres and public amenity areas
BS 5489-4:1992 Road lighting Code of practice for lighting for single-level road junctions including roundabouts
BS 5489-1:1992 Road lighting Guide to the general principles

BS 5225-1:1975 Photometric data for luminaires Photometric measurements
BS 5489-1:1992 Road lighting Guide to the general principles

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