BS 6493-2.4(1989) : 1989
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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National foreword
Committees responsible
Chapter I: General
1. Introductory note
2. Scope
Chapter II: Terminology and letter symbols
1. Terms for category I (line circuits, sense
amplifiers, peripheral drivers (including memory
drivers) and level shifters, voltage comparators)
1.1 General terms
1.2 Terms related to ratings and characteristics
1.2.1 Terms related to input characteristics
1.2.2 Terms related to output characteristics
1.2.3 Terms related to transfer characteristics
2. Terms for category II (linear and non-linear
analogue-to-digital and digital-to analogue
2.1 General terms
2.2 Terms related to static performance
2.3 Terms related to dynamic performance
2.4 Sundry characteristics
3. Letter symbols
3.1 General
3.2 Letter symbols for category I
3.3 Letter symbols for category II
Chapter III: Essential ratings and characteristics
Section One - Category I (line circuits, sense
amplifiers, peripheral drivers and level
shifters, voltage comparators)
1. General
2. Functional specifications
3. Description of circuit
4. Ratings (limiting values)
5. Recommended operating conditions (within the
specified operating temperature range and specified
supply voltage[s])
6. Electrical characteristics
6.1 Characteristics at 25 deg C
6.2 Effects of variation of temperature on the essential
7. Mechanical characteristics and other data
8. Application data
Section Two - Category II (linear and non-linear
analogue-to digital and digital-to-
analogue converters
1. Description of integrated circuit
2. Ratings (limiting values)
3. Recommended operating conditions (within the
specified temperature range)
4. Electrical characteristics
4.1 Characteristics at terminals for digital signals
4.2 Characteristics at terminals for analogue signals
4.3 Characteristics for the conversion
4.4 Multiplying mode of operation of digital-to-analogue
4.5 Effects of variation of temperature and supply
voltages on the essential characteristics
5. Mechanical ratings, characteristics and other data
6. Supplmentary information
Section Three - Category III (control circuits for
switch-mode power supplies)
1. General
2. Electrical and functional description of the
3. Ratings (limiting values), electrical and thermal
4. Recommended operating conditions
5. Electrical characteristics
5.1 Characteristics at an ambient or case temperature
of 25 deg C
5.2 Effects of supply voltage or temperature variations
on the essential characteristics
6. Mechanical ratings, characteristics and other data
7. Handling precautions
8. Application data, supplementary information
Section Four - Category IV (companding PCM code-decoders
1. Circuit identification and description
2. Functional specification
3. Ratings (limiting values)
4. Recommended operating conditions
5. Electrical characteristics
5.1 Static characteristics
5.2 Dynamic characteristics
5.3 Transmission characteristics (synchronous or
6. Mechanical ratings, characteristics and other data
7. Supplementary information
Section Five - Category IV (filters for companding PCM
code-decoders [CODEC's])
1. Circuit identification and description
2. Functional specification
3. Ratings (limiting values)
4. Recommended operating conditions (within the
specified operating temperature range)
5. Electrical characteristics
5.1 Static characteristics
5.2 Dynamic characteristics for clock and control inputs
5.3 Transfer characteristics for analogue signals
5.4 Total noise for transmit and recieve filters
6. Mechanical ratings, characteristics and other data
7. Supplementary information
Section Six - PCM CODEC with filters (COMBO)
1. General
2. Application-related description
3. Specification of the function
4. Ratings (limiting operating values)
5. Recommended operating conditions
6. Electrical characteristics
6.1 Static characteristics
6.2 AC characteristics - Transmission characteristics
6.3 Dynamic characeristics - Timing characteristics
7. Mechanical and environmental ratings,
characteristics and data
8. Additional information
Chapter IV: Measuring methods
Section One - General
1. Basic requirements
2. Specific requirements
3. Application matrix
Section Two - Category I (line circuits, sense
amplifiers, peripheral drivers and level
shifters, voltage comparators)
1. Common-mode input triggering voltage (VICT) [61]
2. Average bias current (IIB) and input offset current
(IIO) [62]
3. Differential-mode input overload recovery time
(tord) and common-mode input overload recovery
time (torc) [63]
Section Three - Category II (analogue-to-digital and
digital-to-analogue converters)
1. Offset error of an adjustable linear digital-to-
analogue converter (EO) [67]
2. Gain error of an adjustable linear digital-to-
analogue converter (EG) [68]
Provides standards for interface, integrated circuits such as line circuits (transmitters and receivers), sense amplifiers, peripheral drivers (including memory drivers) and level shifters, voltage comparators, linear and non linear analogue to digital and digital to analogue converters, including measuring methods requirements.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
BS 6493-2.1:1985 | Semiconductor devices. Integrated circuits General |
BS CECC 90000:1991 | Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Generic specification: monolithic integrated circuits |
BS QC 790303:1994 | Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Semiconductor devices. Integrated circuits. Blank detail specification. Linear digital-to-analogue converters (DAC) |
BS 6493-1.1:1984 | Semiconductor devices. Discrete devices General |
BS QC 790304:1994 | Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Semiconductor devices. Integrated circuits. Blank detail specification. Linear analogue-to-digital converters (ADC) |
BS CECC 90115:1994 | Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Blank detail specification: digital gate array integrated circuits |
BS EN 190000:1996 | Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Generic specification: monolithic integrated circuits |
EN 190000:1995 | Generic Specification: Monolithic integrated circuits |
BS 6493-1.1:1984 | Semiconductor devices. Discrete devices General |
BS 6493-2.1:1985 | Semiconductor devices. Integrated circuits General |
BS 6493-2.3:1987 | Semiconductor devices. Integrated circuits Recommendations for analogue integrated circuits |
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