BS 7085:1989
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Guide to safety aspects of experiments in which people are exposed to mechanical vibration and shock
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Committees responsible
0. Introduction
1. Scope
2. Definitions
3. Hazards of mechanical vibration and shock
experiments on human test subjects
4. Operational vibration dose values
5. Design of equipment
6. Practice for laboratory experiments
7. Practice for field experiments
8. Selection and treatment of human test subjects
A. Frequency weightings for mechanical vibration and
shock in directions of stimulus relevant to subject
B. Example of consent form for a human test subject in
mechanical vibration and shock experiments
c. Medical contro-indications to participation in
experiments involving whole-body mechanical
vibration and shock
1. Weighted acceleration equivalent to a vibration
dose value of 15 m.s (-1.75) for continuous
mechanical vibration at constant magnitude
2. Characteristics of band-limiting and band-pass
filters for frequency weightings
3. Asymptotic approximations of the frequency
weightings given in table 2
1. Basicentric axes of the human body
2. Moduli of the frequency weightings with band-
limiting filters
A guide to safety aspects in the design of equipment and the conduct of experiments. It is concerned with whole body vibration and its purpose is to reduce the chance of the subject and other personnel being exposed to undue risk of injury arising from exposure to shock or vibration, or maloperation of the vibration equipment.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 87/74731 DC and BS DD23(1973) (09/2005) Reviewed and confirmed by BSI, December 2009. (11/2009)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
This British Standard provides guidance on safety aspects of the design of equipment and the conduct of experiments in which human test subjects1) are exposed to mechanical vibration and shock.
The guidance relates mainly to the design and operation of equipment for laboratory experiments. However, it could apply also to other situations in which subjects are exposed to mechanical vibration and shock. Clauses 3 and 8 respectively, concerned with the definition of magnitudes of exposure and the selection of subjects, are equally applicable to experiments in which the mechanical vibration or shock is generated in the course of field trials, e.g. by the passage of a vehicle over rough ground.
This standard is concerned with experiments in which subjects are exposed to whole-body mechanical vibration and shock. Local vibration is not within the scope of this standard but some of the general procedures may be applicable.
The experiments to which this standard is applicable include those performed to determine the response of subjects to mechanical vibration and shock stimuli. They also include those experiments in which mechanical vibration or shock are part of the environment in which other investigations are performed, and to experiments or tests to compare the attributes of equipment intended to alleviate the effects of mechanical vibration or shock on the user, e.g. tests to BS 4220.
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.
BS 3138:1992 | Glossary of terms used in management services |
BS 3375-3:1993 | Management services Guide to work measurement |
BS 2771-1:1986 | Electrical equipment of industrial machines Specification for general requirements |
BS 6841:1987 | Guide to measurement and evaluation of human exposure to whole-body mechanical vibration and repeated shock |
BS 5304:1988 | Code of practice for safety of machinery |
BS 4220-1:1974 | Methods of test for seats on agricultural wheeled tractors. Tests on artificial track |
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