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BS 7521:1992



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Specification for electronic messaging enabling the application of BS ISO/IEC 10021 in the United Kingdom

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Section 1. General
0. Introduction
1. Scope
2. Definitions and abbreviations
Section 2. Naming and Addressing
3. The Country Name
4. The Administration Domain Name
5. The Private Domain Name
6. The Organization Name
7. The Organizational Unit Name
8. Teletex String equivalence rules
Section 3. UK Management Domains
9. UK Private Management Domains (UK PRMDs)
10. UK Administration Management Domains (UK ADMDs)
11. Message handling
12. Value added services
13. Responsibility for messages
Section 4. Conformance
14. Conformance requirements
A. Explanation of terms
B. The reasoning behind the national decisions
C. Guidelines for use of conditional O/R address
1. Cross-reference to BS ISO/IEC 10021-2
2. Cross-reference to BS ISO/IEC 10021-4
1. Hierarchy of Naming/Registration Authorities

Specifies how UK Administrative Management Domains (UK ADMDs) and UK Private Management Domains are named; how UK ADMDs connect to form the UK Message Transfer Backbone; and the resolution of other matters left open for national decision in BS ISO/IEC 10021.

Supersedes 90/64614 DC (10/2005) Reviewed and confirmed by BSI, October 2012. (09/2012)
British Standards Institution

1.1 This British Standard specifies the United Kingdom requirements for those matters that BS ISO/IEC 10021 leaves open for national decision, namely:

  1. whether UK Private Management Domain (PRMD) names are to be nationally unique, or unique only within the scope of an Administration Management Domain (see 5.1);
  2. whether UK Organization names are to be nationally unique, or unique only within the scope of a Management Domain (see 6.1);
  3. whether UK ADMDs are to be required to form a National Message Transfer Backbone, i.e. should they be interconnected (see 10.1);
  4. whether the users of PRMDs registered with more than one UK ADMD will have to have multiple alias O/R addresses, each relative to one of those ADMDs, or whether ADMDs will be required to recognize the reserved value of the single space (“ ??) to identify the union of all UK ADMDs [see 4.2.3 b)];
  5. whether equivalence rules are to be imposed regarding those O/R address Standard Attributes represented as Teletex Strings and their Printable String equivalents (see clause 8);
  6. whether the Private Domain Identifier is identical with the Private Domain name (see 5.2.3).

It thereby enables the application of BS ISO/IEC 10021 in the United Kingdom.

NOTE 1 In some cases, the need for a national decision is explicitly identified by BS ISO/IEC 10021, while in others, e.g. the use of the country-name standard attribute, the need is implicit.

NOTE 2 The background to the national decisions is described in Appendix B.

1.2 This British Standard also specifies the procedures to be followed by BS ISO/IEC 10021 Management Domains subordinate to the UK Name Registration Authority (see BS 7453-1).

NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.

Standards Relationship
ISO/IEC 10021-4:2003 Similar to
ISO/IEC 10021-2:2003 Similar to

BS 7453-1:1991 Procedures for UK registration for Open Systems standards. Procedures for the UK Name Registration Authority

BS ISO/IEC 10021-2:1996 Information technology. Message handling systems (MHS) Overall architecture
BS ISO/IEC 10021-6:1996 Information technology. Message handling systems (MHS) Protocol specifications
BS ISO/IEC 10021-4:1997 Information technology. Message handling systems (MHS) Message transfer system. Abstract service definition and procedures
BS 7306:1990 Procedures for the operation of the UK scheme for the allocation of ISO-DCC format OSI NSAP addresses (including the operation of the UK Registration Authority)
BS ISO/IEC 8824:1990 Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1)
BS 7453-1:1991 Procedures for UK registration for Open Systems standards. Procedures for the UK Name Registration Authority
BS ISO/IEC 9834-1:1993 Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Procedures for the operation of OSI registration authorities Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities. General procedures

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