BS 7578:1992
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers
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Committees responsible
National foreword
Section one - General
1 Scope
2 Object
3 Definitions
4 Service conditions
Section two - Quality requirements and tests
5 Test requirements
6 Classification of tests
7 Capacitance measurement at power frequency
8 Capacitor loss measurement
9 Voltage tests
10 Voltage test between low voltage terminal and earth
11 Discharge test
12 High frequency measurements (only for coupling
capacitors and capacitor dividers intended for
carrier coupling)
13 Partial discharge test
14 Determination of the temperature coefficient
15 Sealing test
16 Cantilever test
Section three - Insulation levels and creepage distance
17 Insulation levels and test voltages
18 Creepage distance
Section four - Safety requirements
19 Connections to metal parts
20 Protection of the environment
21 National regulations
Section five - Markings
22 Marking of the capacitor unit
23 Marking of the capacitor stack
Section six - Guide for installation and operation
24 General
25 Choice of rated voltage
26 Choice of insulation level
27 Operating temperature
28 Special conditions
29 Mechanical stress
Appendix A - Capacitor diagrams
Appendix B - High frequency characteristics of coupling
capacitors for power line carrier circuits
Annex ZA (normative) Other international publications
quoted in this standard with the references of
the relevant European publications
National annex NA (informative)
Will formulate uniform rules regarding performance, testing and rating for coupling capacitors for power line carrier systems on HV overhead power lines in the power frequency range 15 Hz to 60 Hz and a carrier frequency range of 30 KHz to 500 KHz. It also formulates specific safety rules and provides a guide for installation and operation.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Also numbered as IEC 60358 Supersedes 83/22801 DC (10/2005) Superseded by BS EN 60358-1, BS EN 60358-2 & BS EN 60358-3 but remains current. (06/2014)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
IEC 60252:1993 | A.C. motor capacitors |
BS 7264-1:1990 | Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V Specification for performance, testing and use |
IEC 60566:1989 | Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits |
IEC 60931-2:1995 | Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1000 V - Part 2: Ageing test and destruction test |
BS 5622-1:1979 | Guide for insulation co-ordination Terms, definitions, principles and rules |
BS 5622-2:1979 | Guide for insulation co-ordination Application guide |
BS 7264-2:1990 | Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V Guide to endurance testing |
IEC 60831-2:2014 | Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 000 V - Part 2: Ageing test, self-healing test and destruction test |
IEC 60143:1972 | Series capacitors for power systems |
IEC 60831-1:2014 RLV | Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 000 V - Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation |
IEC 60931-3:1996 | Shunt capacitors of the non-self-healing type for AC power systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1000 V - Part 3: Internal fuses |
BS 923:1972 | Guide on high-voltage testing techniques. |
IEC 60186:1987 | Voltage transformers |
IEC 60110:1973 | Recommendation for capacitors for inductive heat generating plants operating at frequencies between 40 and 24 000 Hz |
IEC 60507:2013 | Artificial pollution tests on high-voltage ceramic and glass insulators to be used on a.c. systems |
BS 4963:1973 | Specification for tests on hollow insulators for use in high voltage electrical equipment |
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