BS ISO 10303-11:1994
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange Description methods: the EXPRESS language reference manual
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1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Definitions
3.1 Terms defined in ISO 10303-1
3.2 Other definitions
4. Conformance requirements
4.1 Formal specifications written in EXPRESS
4.2 Implementations of EXPRESS
5. Fundamental principles
6. Language specification syntax
6.1 The syntax of the specification
6.2 Special character notation
7. Basic language elements
7.1 Character set
7.2 Reserved words
7.3 Symbols
7.4 Identifiers
7.5 Literals
8. Data types
8.1 Simple data types
8.2 Aggregation data types
8.3 Named data types
8.4 Constructed data types
8.5 Generalized data types
8.6 Data type usage classification
9. Declarations
9.1 Type declaration
9.2 Entity declaration
9.3 Schema
9.4 Constant
9.5 Algorithms
9.6 Rule
10. Scope and visibility
10.1 Scope rules
10.2 Visibility rules
10.3 Explicit item rules
11. Interface specification
11.1 Use interface specification
11.2 Reference interface specification
11.3 The interaction of use and reference
11.4 Implicity interfaces
12. Expression
12.1 Arithmetic operators
12.2 Relational operators
12.3 Binary operators
12.4 Logical operators
12.5 String operators
12.6 Aggregate operators
12.7 References
12.8 Function call
12.9 Aggregate initializer
12.10 Complex entity instance construction operator
12.11 Type compatibility
13. Executable statements
13.1 Null (statement)
13.2 Alias statement
13.3 Assignment statement
13.4 Case statement
13.5 Compound statement
13.6 Escape statement
13.7 If...Then...Else statement
13.8 Procedure call statement
13.9 Repeat statement
13.10 Return statement
13.11 Skip statement
14. Built-in constants
14.1 Constant e
14.2 Indeterminate
14.3 False
14.4 Pi
14.5 Self
14.6 True
14.7 Unknown
15. Built-in functions
15.1 Abs - arithmetic function
15.2 ACos - arithmetic function
15.3 ASin - arithmetic function
15.4 ATan - arithmetic function
15.5 BLength - binary function
15.6 Cos - arithmetic function
15.7 Exists - general function
15.8 Exp - arithmetic function
15.9 Format - general function
15.10 HiBound - arithmetic function
15.11 HiIndex - arithmetic function
15.12 Length - string function
15.13 LoBound - arithmetic function
15.14 Log - arithmetic function
15.15 Log2 - arithmetic function
15.16 Log10 - arithmetic function
15.17 LoIndex - arithmetic function
15.18 NVL - null value function
15.19 Odd -arithmetic function
15.20 RolesOf - general function
15.21 Sin - arithmetic function
15.22 SizeOf - aggregate function
15.23 Sqrt - arithmetic function
15.24 Tan - arithmetic function
15.25 TypeOf - general function
15.26 UsedIn - general function
15.27 Value - arithmetic function
15.28 Value-in - membership function
15.29 Value-unique - uniqueness function
16. Built-in procedures
16.1 Insert
16.2 Remove
A. EXPRESS language syntax
A.1 Tokens
A.2 Grammar rules
A.3 Cross reference listing
B. Determination of the allowed entity instantiations
B.1 Formal approach
B.2 Supertype operators
B.3 Interpreting the possible complex entity data types
C. Instance limits imposed by the interface
D. EXPRESS-G: A graphical subset of EXPRESS
D.1 Introduction and overview
D.2 Definition symbols
D.3 Relationship symbols
D.4 Composition symbols
D.5 Entity level diagrams
D.6 Schema level diagrams
D.7 Complete EXPRESS-G diagrams
E. Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS)
E.1 EXPRESS language parser
E.2 EXPRESS-G editing tool
F. Information object registration
G. Relationships
G.1 Relationships via attributes
G.2 Subtype/supertype relationships
H. EXPRESS models for EXPRESS-G illustrative examples
H.1 Example signal schema model
H.2 Relationship sampler
H.3 Simple subtype/supertype tree
H.4 Attribute redeclaration
H.5 Multi-schema models
J. Bibliography
B.1 EXPRESS-G diagram of schema for example 155
B.2 EXPRESS G diagram of schema for example 156
B.3 EXPRESS-G diagram of schema for example 157
D.1 Complete entity level diagram of example 171 (1)
D.2 Complete entity level diagram of example 171 (2)
D.3 Symbols for EXPRESS simple data types
D.4 Symbols for EXPRESS constructed data types
D.5 Abbreviated symbols for the EXPRESS constructed data
types when used as the representation of defined
data types
D.6 Example of alternative methods for representing
D.7 Symbols for EXPRESS defined data type
D.8 Symbol for an EXPRESS entity data type
D.9 Symbol for a schema
D.10 Relationship line styles
D.11 Partial entity level diagram illustrating relationship
directions from example 172
D.12 Composition symbols: page references
D.13 Composition symbols: inter-schema references
D.14 Complete entity level diagram of example 172
D.15 Complete entity level diagram of the inheritance
graph from example 173
D.16 Complete entity level diagram of example 174 showing
attribute redeclarations in subtypes
D.17 Complete entity level diagram of the top schema of
example 175 illustrating inter-schema references
D.18 Complete schema level diagram of example 175
D.19 Complete schema level diagram of example 176
1. EXPRESS keywords
2. EXPRESS reserved words which are operators
3. EXPRESS reserved words which are constants
4. EXPRESS reserved words which are function names
5. EXPRESS reserved words which are procedure names
6. EXPRESS symbols
7. The use of data types
8. Supertype expression operator precedence
9. Scope and identifier defining items
10. Operator precedence
11. Pattern matching characters
12. NOT operator
13. AND operator
14. OR operator
15. XOR operator
16. Intersection operator - operand and result types
17. Union operator - operand and result types
18. Subset and superset operators - operand types
19. Subset and superset operators - operand types
20. Example symbolic formatting effects
21. Picture formatting characters
22. Example picture formatting effects
Defines a language, EXPRESS, by which aspects of product data can be specified. Also defines a graphical representation, EXPRESS-G, for a subset of the constructs in the EXPRESS LANGUAGE. Does not cover: definition of database formats, process control, definition of file formats, information processing and exception handling.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 92/96731 DC. (07/2005)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
This part of ISO 10303 defines a language by which aspects of product data can be specified.
The language is called EXPRESS.
This part of ISO 10303 also defines a graphical representation for a subset of the constructs in the EXPRESS language. This graphical representation is called EXPRESS-G.
EXPRESS is a data specification language as defined in ISO 10303-1. It consists of language elements which allow an unambiguous data definition and specification of constraints on the data defined.
The following are within the scope:
data types;
constraints on instances of the data types.
The following are outside the scope of this part of ISO 10303:
definition of database formats;
definition of file formats;
definition of transfer formats;
process control;
information processing;
exception handling.
EXPRESS is not a programming language.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 10303-11:1994 | Identical |
ISO 10303-11:2004 | Identical |
ISO 10303-1:1994 | Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles |
ISO/IEC 8824-1:2015 | Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation Part 1: |
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 | Information technology Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane |
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