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BS ISO 21501-1:2009



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Determination of particle size distribution. Single particle light interaction methods Light scattering aerosol spectrometer

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1 Scope
2 Terms and definitions
3 Requirements
  3.1 Size range
  3.2 Counting efficiency
      3.2.1 General
      3.2.2 Lower size limit
      3.2.3 Upper size limit
  3.3 Size resolution
  3.4 Sizing accuracy
  3.5 Sampling flow rate
  3.6 Effective detection flow rate
  3.7 Maximum particle number concentration
4 Test method
  4.1 Size calibration
  4.2 Effective detection flow rate
  4.3 Maximum particle number concentration
  4.4 Size resolution
  4.5 Counting efficiency
Annex A (informative) - Principle of the instruments
Annex B (informative) - Particle size standards
Annex C (informative) - Effects of the LSAS parameters
        on the particle size and particle number
        concentration determination
Annex D (informative) - Representative sampling
Annex E (informative) - Example of an LSAS calibration with
        DEMS-classified PSL particles

Describes characteristics of a light scattering aerosol spectrometer (LSAS) which is used for measuring the size, number concentration and number/size distribution of particles suspended in a gas.

Together with BS ISO 13323-1, it supersedes BS 3406-7(1988). Supersedes 08/30168969 DC. (06/2009)
British Standards Institution

This part of ISO21501 specifies characteristics of a light scattering aerosol spectrometer (LSAS) which is used for measuring the size, number concentration and number/size distribution of particles suspended in a gas. The light scattering technique described in this part of ISO21501 is based upon single particle measurements. The size range of particles measured by this method is between approximately 0,06µm to 45µm in diameter.

Instruments that conform to this part pf ISO21501 are used for the determination of the particle size distribution and particle number concentration at relatively high concentrations of up to 1011 particles/m3.

Application fields include:

  • characterization of metered dose inhalers (MDI), dry powder inhalers (DPI) and nebulizers in pharmacy;

  • production control of active agents;

  • cut-off determination: impactors, cyclones and impingers;

  • atmospheric aerosols: bio-aerosols, stables/composting facilities, nebulized droplets, measurements in street tunnels;

  • fractional separation efficiency determination of filters.

For the above-mentioned applications, aerosol spectrometers should determine the particle size distribution, particle number concentration, size resolution and sizing accuracy as accurately as possible. These aerosol spectrometers are not suitable for the classification of clean rooms.

Standards Relationship
ISO 21501-1:2009 Identical

ISO 2395:1990 Test sieves and test sieving — Vocabulary
ISO 9276-1:1998 Representation of results of particle size analysis — Part 1: Graphical representation
VDI 3491 Blatt 10:1990-01 Particulate matter measurement; generation of test aerosols from fibrous powders using a vibrating bed aerosol generator
VDI 3491 Blatt 1:2016-07 Measurement of particles - Methods for generating test aerosols - Principles and overview
ISO 4225:1994 Air quality General aspects Vocabulary
VDI 3491 Blatt 15:1996-12 Particulate matter measurement - Generation of test aerosols - Dilution systems with continuous volumetric flow
VDI 3491 Blatt 8:1989-09 Particulate matter measurement; generation of test aerosols from powders using a belt feed unit
VDI 3491 Blatt 6:1980-12 Particulate matter measurement; generation of test aerosols; platinum oxide generator
VDI 3491 Blatt 14:1995-11 Particulate matter measurement - Generation of test aerosols using a capillary wave generator
VDI 3491 Blatt 2:2017-01 Measurement of particles - Methods for generating test aerosols - Dispersing liquids
VDI 3491 Blatt 11:1990-01 Particulate matter measurement; generation of test aerosols using ultrasonic atomizers
VDI 3491 Blatt 16:1996-11 Particulate matter measurement - Generation of carbon aerosols using a spark aerosol generator
VDI 3491 Blatt 5:1980-12 Particulate matter measurement; generation of test aerosols by nebulization of dye-solutions with nozzle atomizers
VDI 3491 Blatt 7:1987-12 Particulate matter measurement; generation of test aerosols; Rapaport-Weinstock generator
VDI 3491 Blatt 12:1990-01 Particulate matter measurement; generation of test aerosols using centrifugal atomizers
VDI 3491 Blatt 9:1989-09 Particulate matter measurement; generation of test aerosols with a rotating brush generator
VDI 3491 Blatt 13:1996-06 Particulate matter measurement - Generation of test aerosols using a vibrating-orifice generator

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