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BS ISO/IEC 10021-6:1996



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

Information technology. Message handling systems (MHS) Protocol specifications

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Section one - Introduction
1. Scope
2. Normative references
2.1 Open Systems Interconnection
2.2 Message Handling Systems
2.3 Directory Systems
3. Definitions
4. Abbreviations
5. Conventions
5.1 Terms
5.2 Abstract Syntax Definitions
Section two - Message Handling System Access Protocol
6. Overview of the MHS Access Protocols
6.1 MHS Access Protocol Model
6.2 Services Provided by the MTS Access Protocol
6.3 Services Provided by the MS Access Protocol
6.4 Use of Underlying Services
6.4.1 Use of ROSE Services
6.4.2 Use of RTSE Services
6.4.3 Use of ACSE Services
6.4.4 Use of the Presentation-service
7. MTS Access Protocol Abstract Syntax Definition
8. MS Access Protocol Abstract Syntax Definition
9. Mapping onto Used Services
9.1 Application-contexts omitting RTSE
9.1.1 Mapping onto ACSE Abstract-bind onto A-ASSOCIATE Abstract-unbind onto A-RELEASE Use of A-ABORT and A-P-ABORT Services
9.1.2 Mapping onto ROSE
9.2 Application-contexts including RTSE
9.2.1 Mapping onto RT-OPEN and RT-CLOSE Abstract-dbind onto RT-OPEN Abstract-unbind onto RT-CLOSE
9.2.2 Mapping onto ROSE Managing the Turn
10. Conformance
10.1 Statement Requirements
10.2 Static Requirements
10.3 Dynamic Requirements
Section three - Message Transfer System Transfer Protocol
11. Overview of the MTS Transfer Protocol
11.1 Model
11.2 Services Provided by the MTS Transfer Protocol
11.3 Use of Underlying Services
11.3.1 Use of the RTSE Services
11.3.2 Use of the ACSE Services
11.3.3 Use of the Presentation-service
11.4 Establishing and Releasing Associations
12. MTS Transfer Protocol Abstract Syntax Definition
13. Mapping onto Used Services
13.1 Mapping onto RTSE X.410-1984 mode
13.1.1 Mapping onto RT-OPEN and RT-CLOSE MTA-bind onto RT-OPEN MTA-unbind onto RT-CLOSE
13.1.2 Mapping onto RT-TRANSFER APDU Transfer-time
13.1.3 Managing the Turn Use of the RT-TURN-PLEASE Service Use of the RT-TURN-GIVE Service
13.1.4 Use of the RT-P-ABORT Service
13.1.5 Use of the RT-U-ABORT Service
13.2 Mapping onto RTSE normal mode
13.2.1 Mapping onto RT-OPEN and RT-CLOSE MTA-bind onto RT-OPEN MTA-unbind onto RT-CLOSE
13.2.2 Mapping onto RT-TRANSFER
13.2.3 Managing the Turn
13.2.4 Use of the RT-P-ABORT Service
13.2.5 Use of the RT-U-ABORT Service
14. Conformance
14.1 Statement Requirements
14.2 Static Requirements
14.3 Dynamic Requirements
A. Reference Definition of MHS Protocol Object
B. Interworking with 1984 Systems
B.1 Association Establishment
B.1.1 Initiator-credentials/Responder-credentials
B.1.2 Security-context
B.1.3 Bind-error
B.2 Rules for Transferring to 1984 systems
B.2.1 Extensions
B.2.2 Per-domain-bilateral-information
B.2.3 Trace-information/Subject-intermediate-trace-
B.2.4 Originator-name/Report-destination-name
B.2.5 Per-recipient-fields of Message- or Probe-Transfer
B.2.6 Per-recipient-fields of Report-transfer
B.2.7 OR-name
B.2.8 OR-address
B.2.9 Encoded-information-types
B.2.10 Content-type and Content
B.3 Rules for Receiving from 1984 systems
B.4 Service Irregularities
C. Differences between 1984 and 1988 MHS Protocols
C.1 MTS Access Protocol (P3) Differences
C.1.1 Size Constraints
C.1.2 Changes to Fundamental Types
C.1.2.1 OR-name
C.1.2.2 Content-type
C.1.2.3 Encoded-information-types
C.1.2.4 Content
C.1.3 Extensions
C.1.4 Bind
C.1.5 Message-submission
C.1.6 Probe-submission
C.1.7 Cancel-deferred-delivery
C.1.8 Submission-control
C.1.9 Message-delivery
C.1.10 Report-delivery
C.1.11 Delivery-control
C.1.12 Register
C.1.13 Change-credentials
C.2 MTS Transfer Protocol (P1) Differences
C.2.1 External-fields
C.2.2 Other Differences
D. Differences between ISO/IEC 10021-6 and CCITT
         Recommendation X.419
E. Index
List of Figures
1. MTS Access Protocol Model
2. An MS Access Protocol Model
3. Abstract Syntax Definition of the MTS Access
       Protocol (P3)
4. Abstract Syntax Definition of the MS Access
       Protocol (P7)
5. MTS Transfer Protocol Model
6. Abstract Syntax Definition of the MTS Transfer
       Protocol (P1)
A.1 Abstract Syntax Definition of MHS Protocol Object

Specifies the protocols (P1, P3, P7) used to provide access to the abstract-services described in BS ISO/IEC 10021-4 and BS ISO/IEC 10021-5, and to provide the distributed operation in BS ISO/IEC 10021-4.

Supersedes 90/64614 DC, 91/69281 DC and 93/651974 DC. (03/2007)
British Standards Institution

Standards Relationship
ISO/IEC 10021-6:2003 Similar to

BS 7521:1992 Specification for electronic messaging enabling the application of BS ISO/IEC 10021 in the United Kingdom

ISO/IEC 9066-1:1989 Information processing systems — Text communication — Reliable Transfer — Part 1: Model and service definition
ISO/IEC 9066-2:1989 Information processing systems — Text communication — Reliable Transfer — Part 2: Protocol specification
ISO/IEC 10021-1:2003 Information technology Message Handling Systems (MHS) Part 1: System and service overview

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