BS ISO/IEC 9579:2000
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Information technology. Remote database access for SQL with security enhancement
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1 Scope
2 Normative References
2.1 International Standards
2.2 Internet Engineering Task Force
2.3 Institute of Electrical and Electronics
3 Interoperability
3.1 Interoperability between implementations
3.2 Interoperability with conforming OSI
3.3 Interoperability with future editions
4 Definitions, Conventions and Notations
4.1 Definitions
4.2 Conventions
4.2.1 Convention for Figures
4.2.2 Naming of Concepts
4.2.3 Naming of Parameters
4.2.4 Specification of RDA Protocol, RDA
Operations and RDA encoding elements
4.2.5 Evaluation of Rules
4.3 Notations
4.3.1 SQL/CLI functions
4.3.2 Implicit encoding definitions
4.3.3 Encoding Attributes
4.3.4 Notation for encoding syntax
5 Model and Facilities
5.1 Model
5.2 The RDA-client environment
5.2.1 Service User
5.2.2 SQL-client Services
5.2.3 RDA-client Services
5.2.4 Transport Mapping
5.2.5 RDA-client
5.2.6 RDA Location Server
5.3 The RDA-server environment
5.3.1 Transport Mapping
5.3.2 RDA-server Services
5.3.3 RDA-server
5.3.4 SQL-server
5.3.5 RDA Support Server
5.4 RDA concepts and the mapping of SQL/CLI
5.4.1 Application Communication Areas Attributes Diagnostics areas Descriptor areas
5.4.2 SQL_TEXT
5.4.3 SQL-session and SQL-connection
5.4.4 SQL User Name and Password
5.4.5 Multi-site Transactions
5.4.6 SQL/CLI Handles
5.4.7 Connection Ident
5.4.8 Statement Ident
5.4.9 Request Ident
5.4.10 Encodings
5.5 RDA Model of Transport
5.5.1 Transport Provider
5.5.2 Transport Address
5.5.3 Destination SQL-server Name
5.5.4 Transport Connection
5.5.5 Transport Facilities
5.6 RDA Facilities for Transport Connections
5.6.1 RDA Suspend and Resume Facility
5.6.2 RDA Encoding Facility
5.7 RDA Facilities for Transaction Co-ordination
5.7.1 RDA Transaction Co-ordination Facility
5.8 RDA Facilities for Security
5.8.1 RDA Security Services
5.8.2 Use of Transport Provider security
5.8.3 Use of Authentication in RDAConnect
5.8.4 Use of MessageAuthentication in
6 RDA Protocol
6.1 The RDA Protocol Exchange
6.2 RDAMessage
6.2.1 RDAMessage protocol element
6.2.2 MessageAuthentication encoding element
6.3 Invocation of RDA Operations
6.3.1 Invocation of the Request in the
RDA-client environment
6.3.2 Evaluation of the Request in the
RDA-server environment
6.3.3 Invocation of the Response in the
RDA-server environment
6.3.4 Evaluation of the Response in the
RDA-client environment
6.3.5 Transport Fail Indication
7 RDA Operations
7.1 RDA request operations
7.1.1 RDAConnect Operation
7.1.2 RDADisconnect Operation
7.1.3 RDAEndTran Operation
7.1.4 RDAClientAttribute Operation
7.1.5 RDAStatementPrepare Operation
7.1.6 RDAStatementDeallocate Operation
7.1.7 RDAStatementExecute Operation
7.1.8 RDAStatementExecDirect Operation
7.1.9 RDAStatementFetchRows Operation
7.1.10 RDAStatementCloseCursor Operation
7.1.11 RDAStatementCancel Operation
7.1.12 RDASetCursorName Operation
7.1.13 RDAGetCursorName Operation
7.1.14 RDAGetInfo Operation
7.1.15 RDAGetTypeInfo Operation
7.2 RDA response encoding element
7.3 Encoding components
7.3.1 RDAAttribute encoding element
7.3.2 RDADiagnostic and RDADiagnosticStatus
encoding elements
7.3.3 RDAItemDescriptor encoding element
7.3.4 RDARow and RDAValue encoding elements
8 Exceptions
8.1 Exception codes for RDA-specific Conditions
8.2 Exception Behaviour
9 Encodings
9.1 The Base Encoding
9.2 The ASN.1 PER Encoding
10 Transport Mappings
10.1 Mapping to TCP/IP
10.1.1 Transport Address
10.1.2 Mapping of Transport Connect
10.1.3 Mapping of Transport Disconnect
10.1.4 Mapping of Transport Fail
10.1.5 Mapping of Transport Send
10.1.6 Mapping of Transport Receive
10.1.7 Mapping of Transport Errors
10.1.8 Default Encoding
10.2 Mapping to TLS
10.2.1 Mapping of Transport Connect
10.2.2 Mapping of encodings
10.2.3 Mapping of Transport Errors
10.2.4 Provision of mandatory security
10.2.5 Provision of optional security
11 Conformance
11.1 RDA-client Conformance
11.2 RDA-server Conformance
11.3 Claims of Conformance
Annex A Conformance Proforma
Annex B RDA Programming Interface
Annex C Mapping of SQL/CLI
Annex D RDA Location Server
Annex E RDA Support Server
Annex F Security Service Requirements
Annex G Security Profiles
Annex H RDA Operations and Protocol in ASN.1 notation
Annex I Encoding of Multiple Rows
1 Codes used to identify the protocol
2 Codes used to identify the protocol version
3 Codes used to identify an RDA message type
4 Use of MessageAuthenticateParameters
5 Extension to Table 14 of ISO/IEC 9075-3
6 Codes used for attribute types
7 Codes used for RDA defined Connection Attributes
8 Prohibited attributes
9 Extension to Table 19 of ISO/IEC 9075-3
10 Values of Statement Ident
11 RDADescriptorEntries required for SQL Data Types
12 SQLSTATE class and subclass values for RDA-specific
13 RDAResponse Parameter settings for RDA generated
14 Codes used to identify TCP/IP encoding
15 Transport Mappings
16 Transport Mapping Codes
C.1 RDA Operations invoked when evaluating an SQL/CLI
G.1 Security Profiles - Facilities Used
G.3 Security Profile - Services Provided
1 RDA model of SQL-environment
2 Model of the RDA-client environment
3 Model of the RDA server environment
Defines a model for the remote interaction of an SQL-client and one or more SQL-servers through communication media. It defines the semantics of messages, the encoding of messages and associated facilities for mediating the interaction between one SQL-server and one SQL-client.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes BS ISO/IEC 9579-1, BS ISO/IEC 9579/2 and BS ISO/IEC 9579/3 (07/2001)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
This International Standard, Remote Database Access for SQL (RDA), defines a model for the remote interaction of an SQL-client and one or more SQL-servers through communication media, and defines the encoding of messages, the semantics of messages and associated facilities for mediating the interaction between one SQL-client and one SQL-server.
This International Standard also defines a mapping of the RDA Protocol to the specific communication infrastructures TCP/IP and Transport Layer Security (TLS).
This International Standard relies upon the facilities provided by ISO/IEC 9075 (SQL) and ISO/IEC 9075-3 (SQL/CLI).
This International Standard also:
identifies potential security vulnerabilities in remote database access using RDA,
defines RDA facilities which protect against the potential vulnerabilities.
Normative annexes provide:
a Conformance Proforma,
an optional language independent Application Programming Interface defined in the notational conventions of ISO/IEC 9075-3 (SQL/CLI) for invoking RDA Operations,
an optional mapping of ISO/IEC 9075-3 (SQL/CLI) functions to RDA Operations,
definitions of optional SQL-servers, the RDA Location Server and the RDA Support Server, to facilitate interoperation and data distribution in a heterogeneous environment,
a set of security profiles that identify which RDA facilities and other security facilities are required for different levels of protection against potential vulnerabilities.
Informative annexes provide:
an analysis of security service requirements,
an ASN.1 specification for the RDA Protocol,
an ASN.1 specification for the encoding of multiple rows.
This International Standard does not constrain:
conforming RDA-client environments to be implemented using any particular processor decomposition,
conforming RDA-server environments to be implemented using any particular processor decomposition.
This International Standard refers to but does not define:
protocols and security mechanisms for communication confidentiality, integrity and authentication of communicating peers,
digital signature and authentication mechanisms supported by protocol elements of RDA.
This International Standard does not define:
algorithms for query decomposition or for the combining of results in a distributed database environment,
mechanisms for recovery in the event that transaction co-ordination fails,
mechanisms for storage integrity and confidentiality using cryptography,
mechanisms to counter Denial of Service attacks.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO/IEC 9579:2000 | Identical |
ISO/IEC 8825-2:2015 | Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER) Part 2: |
ISO/IEC 8825-1:2015 | Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) Part 1: |
ISO/IEC 9075:1992 | Information technology — Database languages — SQL |
ISO/IEC 9594-8:2017 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection The Directory Part 8: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks |
ISO/IEC 10032:1995 | Information technology — Reference Model of Data Management |
ISO/IEC 9075-3:2016 | Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 3: Call-Level Interface (SQL/CLI) |
ISO/IEC 8824-1:2015 | Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation Part 1: |
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 | Information technology Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane |
IEEE 754-2008 REDLINE | IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic |
ISO/IEC 9075-4:2016 | Information technology — Database languages — SQL — Part 4: Persistent stored modules (SQL/PSM) |
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