DD CEN/TS 15149-2:2006
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Solid biofuels. Methods for the determination of particle size distribution Vibrating screen method using sieve apertures of 3,15 mm and below
Hardcopy , PDF
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Principle
5 Apparatus
6 Sample preparation
7 Procedure
8 Calculation
9 Precision and bias
10 Test report
Defines a method for the determination of the size distribution of particulate biofuels by the oscillating screen method.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
RevisionOf | |
Status |
SupersededBy |
Standards | Relationship |
CEN/TS 15149-2:2006 | Identical |
ISO 3310-1:2016 | Test sieves Technical requirements and testing Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth |
ISO 3310-2:2013 | Test sieves — Technical requirements and testing — Part 2: Test sieves of perforated metal plate |
CEN/TS 14778-1:2005 | Solid biofuels - Sampling - Part 1: Methods for sampling |
CEN/TS 14961:2005 | Solid biofuels - Fuel specifications and classes |
CEN/TS 14588:2003 | Solid biofuels - Terminology, definitions and descriptions |
CEN/TS 14779:2005 | Solid biofuels - Sampling - Methods for preparing sampling plans and sampling certificates |
CEN/TS 14774-2:2004 | Solid biofuels - Methods for the determination of moisture content - Oven dry method - Part 2: Total moisture - Simplified method |
CEN/TS 14778-2:2005 | Solid biofuels - Sampling - Part 2: Methods for sampling particulate material transported in lorries |
CEN/TS 14774-1:2004 | Solid biofuels - Methods for determination of moisture content - Oven dry method - Part 1: Total moisture - Reference method |
CEN/TS 14780:2005 | Solid biofuels - Methods for sample preparation |
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