DR 94302
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Approval and test specification - Medical electrical equipment - General requirements for safety - Collateral standard - Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements and tests
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Describes proposed general requirements and tests for electromagnetic compatibility for medical electrical equipment, medical electrical systems and informational technology equipment used in medical electrical applications. It also serves as the basis for possible additional electromagnetic compatibility requirements and tests for the Part 2 Standards of the AS/NZS 3200 series. It is identical with and reproduced from IEC 601-1-2:1993, copies of which may be purchased from or viewed at any Standards Australia office. Proposed as a Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard.
CommentClosesDate |
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Standards Australia
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SupersededBy |
To be AS/NZS 3200.X
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