DR 97453
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Life cycle impactassessment Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Life cycle impact assessment
Note - due to the age of this archived document, available information is limited therfore this record is incomplete. For further details, please phone our Customer Service Centre on 131 242 (Intl +61 2 8206 6010) or email sales@saiglobal.com.
Proposes the general framework, principles and requirements for conducting the life cycle impact assessment phase of life cycle assessment. Comment on this draft will form the basis of comments from Australia and New Zealand to the International Committee responsible for ISO/CD 14042. It is also expected that this comment will provide an indication to the possible acceptability of this draft for use in Australia and New Zealand upon its completion.
CommentClosesDate |
Committee |
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PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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SupersededBy |
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