IEEE 802.3-2012
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
IEEE Standard for Ethernet
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1 Introduction
2 Media Access Control (MAC) service specification
3 Media Access Control (MAC) frame and packet
4 Media Access Control
5 Layer Management
6 Physical Signaling (PLS) service specifications
7 Physical Signaling (PLS) and Attachment Unit
Interface (AUI) specifications
8 Medium Attachment Unit and baseband medium
specifications, type 10BASE5
9 Repeater unit for 10 Mb/s baseband networks
10 Medium attachment unit and baseband medium
specifications, type 10BASE2
11 Broadband medium attachment unit and broadband
medium specifications, type 10BROAD36
12 Physical signaling, medium attachment, and
baseband medium specifications, type 1BASE5
13 System considerations for multisegment 10 Mb/s
baseband networks
14 Twisted-pair medium attachment unit (MAU) and
baseband medium, type 10BASE-T including type
15 Fiber optic medium and common elements of medium
attachment units and star, type 10BASE-F
16 Fiber optic passive star and medium attachment
unit, type 10BASE-FP
17 Fiber optic medium attachment unit, type 10BASE-FB
18 Fiber optic medium attachment unit, type 10BASE-FL
19 Layer Management for 10 Mb/s baseband repeaters
20 Layer Management for 10 Mb/s baseband medium
attachment units
Annex A (informative) - Bibliography
Annex B (informative) - System guidelines
Annex C (informative) - State diagram, MAC sublayer
Annex D (informative) - Application context, selected
medium specifications
Annex E (informative) - Receiver wavelength design
considerations (FOIRL)
Annex F (normative) - Additional attributes required
for systems
Annex G (normative) - Additional material required
for conformance testing
Annex H (normative) - GDMO specifications for CSMA/CD
managed objects
Annex 4A (normative) - Simplified full duplex media
access control
21 Introduction to 100 Mb/s baseband networks, type
22 Reconciliation Sublayer (RS) and Media Independent
Interface (MII)
23 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS), Physical Medium
Attachment (PMA) sublayer and baseband medium,
type 100BASE-T4
24 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) and Physical Medium
Attachment (PMA) sublayer, type 100BASE-X
25 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and
baseband medium, type 100BASE-TX
26 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and
baseband medium, type 100BASE-FX
27 Repeater for 100 Mb/s baseband networks
28 Physical Layer link signaling for Auto-Negotiation
on twisted pair
29 System considerations for multisegment 100BASE-T
30 Management
31 MAC Control
32 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS), Physical Medium
Attachment (PMA) sublayer and baseband medium,
type 100BASE-T2
33 Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) Power via Media
Dependent Interface (MDI)
Annex 22A (informative) - MII output delay, setup, and
hold time budget
Annex 22B (informative) - MII driver ac characteristics
Annex 22C (informative) - Measurement techniques for
MII signal timing characteristics
Annex 22D (informative) - Clause22 access to Clause45
MMD registers
Annex 23A (normative) - 6T codewords
Annex 23B (informative) - Noise budget
Annex 23C (informative) - Use of cabling systems
with a nominal differential characteristic
impedance of 120 ohm
Annex 27A (normative) - Repeater delay consistency
Annex 28A (normative) - Selector Field definitions
Annex 28B (normative) - IEEE 8023 Selector Base Page
Annex 28C (normative) - Next Page Message Code field
Annex 28D (normative) - Description of extensions to
Clause28 and associated annexes
Annex 29A (informative) - DTE and repeater delay components
Annex 29B (informative) - Recommended topology documentation
Annex 30A (normative) - GDMO specification for IEEE 8023
managed object classes
Annex 30B (normative) - GDMO and ASN1 definitions for
Annex 30C (normative) - SNMP MIB definitions for Link
Annex 31A (normative) - MAC Control opcode assignments
Annex 31D (normative) - MAC Control PFC operation
Annex 32A (informative) - Use of cabling systems with
nominal differential characteristic impedance
of 120 ohm or 150 ohm
Annex 33A (informative) - PSE-PD stability
34 Introduction to 1000 Mb/s baseband network
35 Reconciliation Sublayer (RS) and Gigabit Media
Independent Interface (GMII)
36 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) and Physical
Medium Attachment (PMA) sublayer, type 1000BASE-X
37 Auto-Negotiation function, type 1000BASE-X
38 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and baseband
medium, type 1000BASE-LX (long wavelength laser) and
1000BASE-SX (short wavelength laser)
39 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and baseband
medium, type 1000BASE-CX (short-haul copper)
40 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS), Physical Medium
Attachment (PMA) sublayer and baseband medium, type
41 Repeater for 1000 Mb/s baseband networks
42 System considerations for multisegment 1000 Mb/s networks
43 Content moved to IEEE Std 8021AX-2008
Annex 36A (informative) - Jitter test patterns
Annex 36B (informative) - 8B/10B transmission code running
disparity calculation examples
Annex 38A (informative) - Fiber launch conditions
Annex 40A (informative) - Additional cabling design
Annex 40B (informative) - Description of cable clamp
Annex 40C (informative) - Add-on interface for
additional Next Pages
Annex 43A (informative) - Annex 43A is no longer in use
Annex 43B (informative) - Annex 43B is no longer in use
Annex 43C (informative) - Annex 43C is no longer in use
44 Introduction to 10 Gb/s baseband network
45 Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) Interface
46 Reconciliation Sublayer (RS) and 10 Gigabit Media
Independent Interface (XGMII)
47 XGMII Extender Sublayer (XGXS) and 10 Gigabit
Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI)
48 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) and Physical Medium
Attachment (PMA) sublayer, type 10GBASE-X
49 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) for 64B/66B, type
50 WAN Interface Sublayer (WIS), type 10GBASE-W
51 Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) sublayer, type
52 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and
baseband medium, type 10GBASE-S (short wavelength
serial), 10GBASE-L (long wavelength serial), and
10GBASE-E (extra long wavelength serial)
53 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and
baseband medium, type 10GBASE-LX4
54 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and
baseband medium, type 10GBASE-CX4
55 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS), Physical Medium
Attachment (PMA) sublayer and baseband medium,
type 10GBASE-T
Annex 44A (informative) - Diagram of Data Flow
Annex 45A (informative) - Clause 45 MDIO electrical
Annex 48A (normative) - Jitter test patterns
Annex 48B (informative) - Jitter test methods
Annex 50A (informative) - Thresholds for Severely
Errored Second calculations
Annex 55A (normative) - LDPC details
Annex 55B (informative) - Additional cabling design
guidelines for 10GBASE-T
56 Introduction to Ethernet for subscriber access networks
57 Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
58 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium,
type 100BASE-LX10 (Long Wavelength) and 100BASE-BX10
(BiDirectional Long Wavelength)
59 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium,
type 1000BASE-LX10 (Long Wavelength) and 1000BASE-BX10
(BiDirectional Long Wavelength)
60 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium,
type 1000BASE-PX (long wavelength passive optical networks)
61 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS), Transmission Convergence
(TC) sublayer, and common specifications, type 10PASS-TS
and type 2BASE-TL
62 Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) and Physical Medium
Dependent (PMD), type 10PASS-TS
63 Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) and Physical Medium
Dependent (PMD), type 2BASE-TL
64 Multipoint MAC Control
65 Extensions of the Reconciliation Sublayer (RS) and Physical
Coding Sublayer (PCS) / Physical Media Attachment (PMA)
for 1000BASE-X for multipoint links and forward error
66 Extensions of the 10 Gb/s Reconciliation Sublayer (RS),
100BASE-X PHY, and 1000BASE-X PHY for unidirectional
67 System considerations for Ethernet subscriber access networks
68 Physical medium dependent (PMD) sublayer type 10GBASE-LRM
69 Introduction to Ethernet operation over electrical backplanes
70 Physical Medium Dependent sublayer and baseband medium,
type 1000BASE-KX
71 Physical Medium Dependent sublayer and baseband medium,
type 10GBASE-KX4
72 Physical Medium Dependent sublayer and baseband medium,
type 10GBASE-KR
73 Auto-Negotiation for backplane and copper cable assembly
74 Forward Error Correction (FEC) sublayer for BASE-R PHYs
75 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium
for passive optical networks, type 10GBASE-PR and
76 Reconciliation Sublayer, Physical Coding Sublayer, and Physical
Media Attachment for 10G-EPON
77 Multipoint MAC Control for 10G-EPON
Annex 57A (normative) Requirements for support of Slow Protocols
Annex 57B (normative) Organization specific slow protocol (OSSP)
Annex 58A (informative) Frame-based testing
Annex 61A (informative) EFM Copper examples
Annex 61B (normative) Handshake codepoints for 2BASE-TL and
Annex 62A (normative) PMD profiles for 10PASS-TS
Annex 62B (normative) Performance guidelines for 10PASS-TS
PMD profiles
Annex 62C (informative) 10PASS-TS Examples
Annex 63A (normative) PMD Profiles for 2BASE-TL
Annex 63B (normative) Performance guidelines for 2BASE-TL
PMD profiles
Annex 67A (informative) Environmental characteristics for Ethernet
subscriber access networks
Annex 69A (normative) Interference tolerance testing
Annex 69B (informative) Interconnect characteristics
Annex 73A (normative) Next page message code field definitions
Annex 74A (informative) FEC block encoding examples
Annex 75A (informative) Dual-rate receiver implementation
Annex 75B (informative) Illustrative channels and penalties for
10GBASE-PR and 10/1GBASE-PRX power budget classes
Annex 75C (informative) Jitter at TP1 to TP8 for 10GBASE-PR
and 10/1GBASE-PRX
Annex 76A (informative) - FEC Encoding example
78 Energy-Efficient Ethernet (EEE)
79 IEEE 8023 Organizationally Specific Link Layer Discovery
Protocol (LLDP) type, length, and value (TLV) information
80 Introduction to 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s networks
81 Reconciliation Sublayer (RS) and Media Independent Interface for
40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s operation (XLGMII and CGMII)
82 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) for 64B/66B, type 40GBASE-R
and 100GBASE-R
83 Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) sublayer, type 40GBASE-R
and 100GBASE-R
84 Physical Medium Dependent sublayer and baseband medium,
type 40GBASE-KR4
85 Physical Medium Dependent sublayer and baseband medium,
type 40GBASE-CR4 and 100GBASE-CR10
86 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium, type
40GBASE-SR4 and 100GBASE-SR10
87 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium, type
88 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium, type
100GBASE-LR4 and 100GBASE-ER4
89 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium, type
90 Ethernet support for time synchronization protocols
91 Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (RS-FEC) sublayer
for 100GBASE-R PHYs
92 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and baseband medium,
type 100GBASE-CR4
93 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and baseband medium,
type 100GBASE-KR4
94 Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) sublayer, Physical Medium
Dependent (PMD) sublayer, and baseband medium, type 100GBASE-KP4
95 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium, type
96 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS), Physical Medium Attachment
(PMA) sublayer and baseband medium, type 100BASE-T1
105 Introduction to 25 Gb/s networks
106 Reconciliation Sublayer (RS) and Media Independent Interface
(25GMII) for 25 Gb/s operation
107 Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) for 64B/66B, type 25GBASE-R
108 Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (RS-FEC) sublayer for
109 Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) sublayer, type 25GBASE-R
110 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and baseband medium,
type 25GBASE-CR and 25GBASE-CR-S
111 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and baseband medium,
type 25GBASE-KR and 25GBASE-KR-S
112 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium, type
Annex 83A (normative) - 40 Gb/s Attachment Unit Interface (XLAUI)
and 100 Gb/s ten-lane Attachment Unit Interface (CAUI-10)
Annex 83B (normative) - Chip-to-module 40 Gb/s Attachment Unit
Interface (XLAUI) and 100 Gb/s ten-lane Attachment Unit
Interface (CAUI-10)
Annex 83C (normative) - PMA sublayer partitioning examples
Annex 83D (normative) - Chip-to-chip 100 Gb/s four-lane Attachment
Unit Interface (CAUI-4)
Annex 83E (normative) - Chip-to-module 100 Gb/s four-lane Attachment
Unit Interface (CAUI-4)
Annex 85A (informative) - 40GBASE-CR4 and 100GBASE-CR10 TP0
and TP5 test point parameters
Annex 86A (normative) - Parallel Physical Interface (nPPI) for
40GBASE-SR4 and 40GBASE-LR4 (XLPPI) and
Annex 91A (informative) - RS-FEC codeword examples
Annex 92A (informative) - 100GBASE-CR4 TP0 and TP5 test point
parameters and channel characteristics
Annex 93A (normative) - Specification methods for electrical channels
Annex 93B (informative) - Electrical backplane reference model
Annex 93C (informative) - Receiver interference tolerance
Annex 109A (normative) - Chip-to-chip 25 Gigabit Attachment Unit
Interface (25GAUI C2C)
Annex 109B (normative) - Chip-to-module 25 Gigabit Attachment Unit
Interface (25GAUI C2M)
Annex 109C (informative) - 25GBASE-R PMA sublayer partitioning
Annex 110A (informative) - TP0 and TP5 test point parameters and
channel characteristics for 25GBASE-CR and 25GBASE-CR-S
Annex 110B (normative) - Test fixtures for 25GBASE-CR, 25GBASE-CR-S,
and 25GAUI C2M
Annex 110C (informative) - Host and cable assembly form factors
for 25GBASE-CR and 25GBASE-CR-S PHYs
114 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer and medium,
types 25GBASE-LR and 25GBASE-ER
Specifies Ethernet local area, access and metropolitan area networks.
Committee |
LAN/MAN Standards Committee
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes IEEE 802.3 1985, 802.3A, 802.3AB, 802.3AC, 802.3AD, 802.3AE, 802.3AF, 802.3AH, 802.3AJ, 802.3AK, 802.3B, 802.3C, 802.3H, 802.3I, 802.3J 802.3K, 802.3L, 802.3P&Q, 802.3R, 802.3U, 802.3X & 802.3Y, 802.3Z, 802.3AN, 802.3AQ, 802.3AS and 802.3AP. Supersedes IEEE 802.3BC, 802.3AV, 802.3AT, 802.3BA, 802.3AZ, 802.3BG, 802.3BF & 802.3BD. (01/2014) Supersedes IEEE (802.3BK, 802.3BJ & 802.3BM). Available in zip format includes 6 pdfs of each section. Amendment 1,2,3,4,5,7,6,8,9,10,11 to IEEE 802.3 are available separately,See IEEE(802.3BW,802.3BY,802.3BQ,802.3BP,802. BR,802.3BZ,802.3BN,802.3BU,802.3BV,802.BS & 802.3CC). (01/2018)
DocumentType |
Pages |
ProductNote |
PublisherName |
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
Status |
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