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NBN EN 1994-1-2 : 2005 AMD 1 2014



The latest, up-to-date edition.


Published date


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Background of the Eurocode programme
Status and field of application of Eurocodes
National Standards implementing Eurocodes
Links between Eurocodes and harmonised technical
specifications (ENs and ETAs) for products
Additional information specific for EN 1994-1-2
National annex for EN 1994-1-2
Section 1 General
  1.1 Scope
  1.2 Normative references
  1.3 Assumptions
  1.4 Distinction between Principles and Application
  1.5 Definitions
  1.6 Symbols
Section 2 Basis of design
  2.1 Requirements
  2.2 Actions
  2.3 Design values of material properties
  2.4 Verification methods
Section 3 Material properties
  3.1 General
  3.2 Mechanical properties
  3.3 Thermal properties
  3.4 Density
Section 4 Design procedures
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 Tabulated data
  4.3 Simple Calculation Models
  4.4 Advanced calculation models
Section 5 Constructional details
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 Composite beams
  5.3 Composite columns
  5.4 Connections between composite beams and columns
Annex A (INFORMATIVE) Stress-strain relationships at
                      elevated temperatures for structural
Annex B (INFORMATIVE) Stress-strain relationships at
                      elevated temperatures for concrete
                      with siliceous aggregate
Annex C (INFORMATIVE) Concrete stress-strain relationships
                      adapted to natural fires with a
                      decreasing heating branch for use in
                      advanced calculation models
Annex D (INFORMATIVE) Model for the calculation of the fire
                      resistance of unprotected composite
                      slabs exposed to fire beneath the slab
                      according to the standard
                      temperature-time curve
      D.1 Fire resistance according to thermal insulation
      D.2 Calculation of the sagging moment resistance
      D.3 Calculation of the hogging moment resistance
      D.4 Effective thickness of a composite slab
      D.5 Field of application
Annex E (INFORMATIVE) Model for the calculation of the sagging
                      and hogging moment resistances of a steel
                      beam connected to a concrete slab and
                      exposed to fire beneath the concrete slab
      E.1 Calculation of the sagging moment resistance M[fi,Rd][+]
      E.2 Calculation of the hogging moment resistance M[fi,Rd][-]
          at an intermediate support (or at a restraining support)
      E.3 Local resistance at supports
      E.4 Vertical shear resistance
Annex F (INFORMATIVE) Model for the calculation of the sagging
                      and hogging moment resistances of a partially
                      encased steel beam connected to a concrete
                      slab and exposed to fire beneath the
                      concrete slab according to the standard
                      temperature-time curve
      F.1 Reduced cross-section for sagging moment resistance
      F.2 Reduced cross-section for hogging moment resistance
      F.3 Field of application
Annex G (INFORMATIVE) Balanced summation model for the calculation
                      of the fire resistance of composite columns
                      with partially encased steel sections, for
                      bending around the weak axis, exposed to
                      fire all around the column according to the
                      standard temperature-time curve
      G.1 Introduction
      G.2 Flanges of the steel profile
      G.3 Web of the steel profile
      G.4 Concrete
      G.5 Reinforcing bars
      G.6 Calculation of the axial buckling load at elevated
      G.7 Eccentricity of loading
      G.8 Field of application
Annex H (INFORMATIVE) Simple calculation model for concrete
                      filled hollow sections exposed to fire
                      all around the column according to the
                      standard temperature-time curve
      H.1 Introduction
      H.2 Temperature distribution
      H.3 Design axial buckling load at elevated temperature
      H.4 Eccentricity of loading
      H.5 Field of application
Annex I (INFORMATIVE) Planning and evaluation of experimental
      I.1 Introduction
      I.2 Test for global assessment
      I.3 Test for partial information

Deals with the design of composite steel and concrete structures for the accidental situation of fire exposure and is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1994-1-1 and EN 1991-1-2.

National Annex of this document is also available, see NBN EN 1994-1-2 ANB. (11/2010)
Belgian Standards

Standards Relationship
UNI EN 1994-1-2 : 2014 Identical
I.S. EN 1994-1-2:2005 Identical
BS EN 1994-1-2 : 2005 Identical
DIN EN 1994-1-2:2010-12 Identical

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