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NF EN ISP 15124-1 : 1999



A Withdrawn Standard is one, which is removed from sale, and its unique number can no longer be used. The Standard can be withdrawn and not replaced, or it can be withdrawn and replaced by a Standard with a different number.

Withdrawn date


Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
    2.1 Identical Recommendations / International
    2.2 Paired Recommendations / International Standards
          Equivalent in Technical Content
    2.3 Additional References
3 Definitions and Terminology
    3.1 Definitions
    3.2 Constituent Names
    3.3 Conventions
4 Relationship to Other International Standardized
5 Conformance
    5.1 Data Stream Conformance
    5.2 Implementation Conformance
6 Characteristics Supported by This Part of ISO/IEC
    ISP 15124
    6.1 Overview
    6.2 Logical Constituents
    6.3 Layout Constituents
          6.3.1 Overview of the layout characteristics
          6.3.2 Document Layout Root
          6.3.3 Page characteristics
         Composite Page
         Page dimensions
         Nominal page sizes
          6.3.4 Original Image
          6.3.5 Revision Annotation
          6.3.6 Specific Block
          6.3.7 Generic Block
    6.4 Document Layout Characteristics
    6.5 Content Layout and Imaging Control
          6.5.1 Raster graphics content
         Raster graphics content
         Raster graphics encoding methods
         Raster presentation
          6.5.2 Character content
         Character content architecture
         Character repertoires
         Code extension techniques
         Line spacing
         Character spacing
         Character path and line progression
         Character orientation
         Reverse character strings
         Superscripts and subscripts
         Substitution of characters
         Use of control functions
          6.5.3 Geometric graphics content
    6.6 Miscellaneous Features
          6.6.1 Resource documents
          6.6.2 Application comments
    6.7 Document Management Features
          6.7.1 Document constituent information
          6.7.2 Document characteristics
          6.7.3 Non-basic document characteristics
         Profile character sets
          6.7.4 Document management attributes
7 Specification of Constituent Constraints
    7.1 Notation
    7.2 Document Profile Constituent Constraints
          7.2.1 Macro definitions
          7.2.2 Constituent constraints
         Document profile
    7.3 Logical Constituent Constraints
    7.4 Layout Constituent Constraints
          7.4.1 Macro definitions
          7.4.2 Factor constraints
          7.4.3 Constituent constraints
         Document Layout Root
         Composite Page
         Original Image
         Revision Annotation
         Specific Block
         Generic Block
    7.5 Layout Style Constraints
    7.6 Presentation Style Constraints
          7.6.1 Macro definitions
          7.6.2 Factor constraints
          7.6.3 Presentation style constituent constraints
         P Style 1
         P Style 2
         P Style 3
    7.7 Content Portion Constraints
          7.7.1 Macro definitions
          7.7.2 Factor constraints
          7.7.3 Constituent constraints
         Character content portion
         Raster graphics content portion
         Geometric graphics content portion
    7.8 Additional Usage Constraints
8 Interchange Format
    8.1 Interchange Format ODIF (Class A)
          8.1.1 Interchange format
          8.1.2 DAP identifier
          8.1.3 Encoding of application comments
    8.2 Interchange Format SDIF
          8.2.1 Interchange format
          8.2.2 DAP identifier
          8.2.3 Encoding of application comments
    8.3 Encoding of Raster Content Information
Annex A (normative) Amendments and Corrigenda
A.1 Amendments
      A.1.1 Amendments to the base standard
A.2 Corrigenda
      A.2.1 Corrigenda to this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15124
Annex B (informative) Recommended Practices
B.1 Transfer Methods for ODA
      B.1.1 Conveyance of ODA over ITU X.400-1984
      B.1.2 Conveyance of ODA over FTAM
      B.1.3 Conveyance of ODA over DTAM
      B.1.4 Conveyance of ODA over flexible disks
B.2 Font Reference
B.3 ISO/IEC 8632 (CGM) Constraints for this International
      Standardized Profile
      B.3.1 Delimiter elements
      B.3.2 Metafile descriptor elements
      B.3.3 Picture descriptor elements
      B.3.4 Control elements
      B.3.5 Graphical primitive elements
      B.3.6 Attribute elements
      B.3.7 External elements
B.4 Interoperability with SGML Applications
Annex C (informative) References to Other Standards and
List of Figures
1 - Constituents
2 - Document layout structure
3 - Code extension features (basic case)
4 - Code extension features (all possible cases)
List of Tables
1 - Dimensions for various page sizes
2 - Layout attributes
3 - Content coding attributes
4 - Presentation attributes
5 - Document profile attributes
6 - Symbols to denote shift functions

Gives an interchange format suitable for the transfer of structured documents between equipment designed for raster processing. Documents supported by ISO/IEC ISP 15124 are based on a paradigm of an electronic engineering drawing or illustration. These documents contain one or more pages with each page consisting of a base image in the form of a bi-tonal raster graphic, character or geometric graphics content. The base image may be further annotated with character, raster or geometric graphics content.

Association Francaise de Normalisation

Standards Relationship
DIN EN ISP 15124-1:1998-12 Identical
I.S. EN ISP 15124-1:1999 Identical
NBN EN ISP 15124-1 : 1999 Identical
EN ISP 15124-1 : 1998 Identical
BS EN ISP 15124-1:1999 Identical

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