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SN EN 50094 : 1992 AMD 1 1995



The latest, up-to-date edition.


Published date


1 Subject
2 General description of the access control system
2.1 The scrambling and encryption systems
2.2 Initialising and updating service keys
         (management or operation)
2.3 Functionalities
3 Scrambling sound, data and picture
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Description of the sound and data scrambling
3.3 Generating descrambling sequences
3.4 Synchronising descrambling sequences
4 Signals crossing the access control interface
4.1 Receiver-ACS interface
4.1.1 Configuring the receiver-ACS interface
4.1.2 Signals received by the ACS
4.1.3 Signals from the ACS Locally-generated control messages Locally-generated messages for display
4.2 Service identification and relation to control
4.3 Generation and assignment of control words
4.3.1 Generation of control words
4.3.2 Assignment and synchronisation of control words
5 General description of entitlement management
         messages (EMM)
5.1 Message formats
5.2 Customer addresses
5.3 Command identifier CI
5.4 Length indicator CLI
5.5 Parameter identifier PI
5.5.1 List of parameters available in EMM messages
5.5.2 Grouping of parameters in the EMM
5.5.3 Parameter sequencing rules in the EMM-U and EMMG
5.5.4 Software data SOFT
5.5.5 Programme provider identification PPID
5.5.6 Random number (for address field descrambling)
5.5.7 Random number (for confidential data
         descrambling) RND-CONF
5.5.8 Programme provider or issuer authentication
5.5.9 Address field ADF
5.5.10 Control CTRL
5.5.11 Identification of data to update IDUP
5.5.12 Descriptor DESCR
5.5.13 General purpose data FAC
5.5.14 Unique address UA
5.5.15 Programme provider user address PPUA
5.5.16 Group customer address GCA
5.5.17 LABEL parameter
5.5.18 DATES + Theme/Level TH/LE
5.5.19 DATES + List of classes CUSTWD
5.5.20 Initial and final programme numbers INUMB + FNUMB
5.5.21 DATE + CREDIT
5.5.22 DATE + Total amount TOTAM
5.5.23 DATE + Authorised overdraft OVER
5.5.24 SURVEY
5.5.25 DATES
5.5.26 Receiver modem control parameters
5.5.27 Modem activation coordinates MOD
5.5.28 Wakeup coordinates WAK
5.5.29 Authentication control parameters
5.5.30 Individual messages INDMES
5.5.31 Personal identification number PIN (parental
5.5.32 Secret key CLE
5.5.33 HASH signature
5.5.34 Group address GA
5.5.35 Teletext service SEI-TXT
5.5.36 Video signal replacement TTP1
5.5.37 TV sound replacement RCI-R1
5.5.38 Additional service replacement RCI-02, RCI-R2
5.5.39 Teletext page for fingerprinting TPP2
5.5.40 Fingerprinting control FCTRL
5.6 Fixed format messages (F = 0 in the CI parameter)
6 Unique customer entitlement management messages
6.1 Data format
6.1.1 Command identifier CI
6.1.2 Command length indicator CLI
6.2 EMM-U messages used for over-the-air addressing
6.2.1 List of parameters available in EMM-U messages
6.2.2 Description of parameters
6.2.3 Illustration of EMM-U messages with examples Initial connection of a customer to the
         programme provider management centre Individual entitlements Invalidating or deleting entitlements
7 Messages for the entire audience (EMM-G)
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Data format
7.2.1 Command identifier CI
7.2.2 Command length indicator CLI
7.3 EMM-G messages used for over-the-air addressing
7.3.1 List of parameters available in EMM-G messages
7.3.2 Use of EMM-G messages Free initial entitlement or entitlement common
         to the entire audience Shared entitlement
7.3.3 Description of parameters Free initial entitlement or entitlement common
         to the entire audience Shared entitlement
7.3.4 Illustration of EMM-G messages with examples Free initial entitlement or entitlement common
         to the entire audience Shared entitlement
8 Messages for shared groups (EMM-S)
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Data format
8.2.1 Command identifier CI
8.2.2 Command length indicator CLI
8.3 EMM-S messages used for over-air addressing
8.3.1 List of parameters available in EMM-S messages Fixed format EMM-S Variable format EMM-S
8.3.2 Description of parameters Fixed format EMM-S Variable format EMM-S
8.3.3 Illustration of EMM-S messages with examples
9 Collective entitlement management messages
9.1 Data format
9.1.1 Command identifier CI
9.1.2 Command length indicator CLI
9.2 EMM-C messages for over-air addressing
9.2.1 List of parameters available in EMM-C messages
9.2.2 Use of EMM-C messages
9.2.3 Description of parameters
9.2.4 Illustration of EMM-C messages with examples
10 Description of entitlement control messages (ECM)
10.1 Message format
10.2 Command identifier CI
10.3 Command length indicator CLI
10.4 Parameter identifier PI
10.4.1 List of parameters available in ECM messages
10.4.2 Grouping of parameters in the ECM
10.4.3 Parameter sequencing rules in the ECM
10.4.4 Software data SOFT
10.4.5 Programme provider identifier PPID
10.4.6 Global group address GGA
10.4.7 Control CTRL
10.4.8 Broadcast date CDATE + Theme/Level THEME/LEVEL
10.4.9 Broadcast date CDATE + Programme class LINK
10.4.10 Programme number PNUMB
10.4.11 Programme number PNUMB and Programme cost PPV/P
10.4.12 Programme number PNUMB + Cost per time unit PPV/T
10.4.13 Even control word cryptogram ECW
10.4.14 Odd control word cryptogram OCW
10.4.15 Odd and even control words cryptograms ECW/OCW
10.4.16 HASH signature
10.5 Illustration of ECM messages with examples
10.5.1 Subscription per theme/level
10.5.2 Subscription per class with blackout enabled
10.5.3 Impulse pay-per-view per programme
10.5.4 ECM message for different access conditions
11 Details concerning the implementation of the
         access control procedures described in the
11.1 Part 1
11.1.1 Introduction
11.1.2 Section 5.3 - Static data frame (SDF)
11.1.3 Section 5.3 - Repeated data frame (RDF)
11.2 Part 2
11.2.1 Section 7 - Enlarged format pictures
11.3 Part 5
11.3.1 Introduction
11.3.2 Section 2.3 - Description of service components
11.3.3 Section 3.1 - Instructions and parameters
11.3.4 Table 1
Appendix 1 : Coding examples of the service
             identification channel with the PGI
             parameter group identifier
12 Switching timing diagrams
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Content of switching timing diagrams
12.3 Create a component in controlled access mode
12.4 Switch a component to controlled access mode
12.5 Change the access condition for a component
12.6 Switch a component from controlled access mode
         to clear or free access mode
12.7 Reorganize component and access conditions
12.7.1 Regroup 2 components with different access
         conditions on the access condition of the first
12.7.2 Separate 2 components, one of them preserving
         the initial access condition
12.7.3 Regroup 2 components with different access
         conditions on a new access condition
12.7.4 Separate 2 components, with change of access
         condition for both components
Appendix 1: External specifications of the PC2 smart card
Appendix 2: Operating regulations for the broadcasting
            of D2-MAC/packet services
Appendix 3: Recommendations for the development of a
            EUROCRYPT D2-MAC/packet receiver
Appendix 4: Specifications of the PC-EUROCRYPT cards

Describes an access control system designated EUROCRYPT that can be applied to the systems in the MAC/packet family. Coverage includes the following sections; scrambling sound, data and picture; signals crossing the access control interface; unique customer entitlement management messages; messages for the entire audience; messages for shared groups; collective entitlement management messages; description of entitlement control messages; switching timing diagrams.

Swiss Standards

Standards Relationship
DIN EN 50094:1993-03 Identical
BS EN 50094:1993 Identical
I.S. EN 50094:1993 Identical
EN 50094 : 92 AMD 1 95 Identical

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