VDI 3785 Blatt 2:2011-12
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Environmental meteorology - Methods of urban and site-related ground-based climate measurements with mobile measurement systems
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German - English
Preliminary note
1 Scope
2 Terms and definitions
3 Symbols and abbreviations
4 Measurement variables
5 Measurement systems
6 Measurement planning
7 Preparation and performance of
measurement runs
8 Data processing and evaluation
9 Further analysis and visualisation
of results
Annex A - Trend correction methods
using the example of air
Annex B - Examples
Climate is defined as the state of the atmosphere in a region over a certain period of time.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
Verlag des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
VDI 3787 Blatt 1:2015-09 | Environmental meteorology - Climate and air pollution maps for cities and regions |
VDI 3783 Blatt 21:2017-03 | Environmental meteorology - Quality assurance of meteorological data for dispersion calculation according to TA Luft and GIRL |
VDI 3785 Blatt 1:2008-12 | Environmental meteorology - Methods and presentation of investigations relevant for planning urban climate |
VDI 3786 Blatt 15:2004-08 | Environmental meteorology - Ground-based remote sensing of visual range - Visual-range lidar |
VDI 3786 Blatt 12:2008-10 | Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Turbulence measurements with sonic anemometers |
VDI 3786 Blatt 16:2010-07 | Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Atmospheric pressure |
VDI 3787 Blatt 2:2008-11 | Environmental meteorology - Methods for the human biometeorological evaluation of climate and air quality for urban and regional planning at regional level - Part I: Climate |
VDI 3786 Blatt 6:1983-10 | Meteorological measurements of air pollution; turbidity of ground-level atmosphere standard visibility |
VDI 3787 Blatt 1:2015-09 | Environmental meteorology - Climate and air pollution maps for cities and regions |
VDI 3786 Blatt 9:2007-10 | Environmental Meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Visual weather observations |
VDI 3786 Blatt 1:2013-08 | Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Fundamentals |
VDI 3786 Blatt 10:1994-04 | Environmental meteorology; measurement of the atmospheric turbidity due to aerosol particles with sunphotometers |
VDI 3786 Blatt 17:2007-02 | Environmental meteorology - Ground-based remote sensing of the wind vector - Wind profiler radar |
VDI 3786 Blatt 3:2012-10 | Environmental meteorology - Meteorologial measurements - Air temperature |
VDI 3786 Blatt 2:2000-12 | Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements concerning questions of air pollution - Wind |
VDI 3786 Blatt 14:2001-12 | Environmental meteorology - Ground-based remote sensing of the wind vector - Doppler wind LIDAR |
VDI 3785 Blatt 1:2008-12 | Environmental meteorology - Methods and presentation of investigations relevant for planning urban climate |
VDI 3786 Blatt 8:2017-02 | Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Aerological measurements |
VDI 3786 Blatt 4:2013-06 | Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Air humidity |
VDI 3786 Blatt 5:2015-10 | Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Radiation |
VDI 3786 Blatt 13:2006-08 | Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Measuring station |
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