AS 1864-1976
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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High-voltage alternating current contactors
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Applies to contactors, the main contacts of which are intended to be connected in a.c. circuits in non-exposed installations of rated voltage from 1000 to 12 000 V, and irrespective of the arc quenching medium; in particular it applies to those contactors employing air-break, oil-immersed break, vacuum-break and break within other sealing media. Classification, characteristics, markings, conditions for operation in service, construction and tests are specified and appendices deal with information to be supplied by the purchaser, coordination with short-circuit protective devices and selection of contactors for various duties.
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0 7262 0900 7
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Standards Australia
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Supersedes |
This standard applies to contactors intended for closing and opening electric circuits, and, if combined with suitable relays, for protecting those circuits against operating overloads which may occur therein.It applies to contactors irrespective of the arc-quenching medium and, in particular, it covers those employing air-break, oil-immersed-break, vacuum-break, and break within other sealed media.It applies only to contactors, the main contacts of which are intended to be connected to circuits in non-exposed installations of which the rated voltage exceeds 1000 V a.c. but does not exceed 12 000 V a.c.
Standards | Relationship |
IEC 60470:1974 | Identical |
Reconfirmed 1988
AS 2595.1-1992 | Electrical equipment for coal mines - Electrical requirements for underground mining machines and accessories - Equipment for use in hazardous areas |
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