BS ISO 6336-1:2006
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Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears Basic principles, introduction and general influence factors
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
4 Basic principles
4.1 Application
4.1.1 Scuffing
4.1.2 Wear
4.1.3 Micropitting
4.1.4 Plastic yielding
4.1.5 Particular categories
4.1.6 Specific applications
4.1.7 Safety factors
4.1.8 Testing
4.1.9 Manufacturing tolerances
4.1.10 Implied accuracy
4.1.11 Other considerations
4.1.12 Influence factors
4.1.13 Numerical equations
4.1.14 Succession of factors in course of calculation
4.1.15 Determination of allowable values of gear deviations
4.2 Tangential load, torque and power
4.2.1 Nominal tangential load, nominal torque and nominal
4.2.2 Equivalent tangential load, equivalent torque and
equivalent power
4.2.3 Maximum tangential load, maximum torque and maximum
5 Application factor K[A]
5.1 Method A - Factor K[A-A]
5.2 Method B - Factor K[A-B]
6 Internal dynamic factor K[v]
6.1 Parameters affecting internal dynamic load and calculations
6.1.1 Design
6.1.2 Manufacturing
6.1.3 Transmission perturbance
6.1.4 Dynamic response
6.1.5 Resonance
6.2 Principles and assumptions
6.3 Methods for determination of dynamic factor
6.3.1 Method A - Factor K[v-A]
6.3.2 Method B - Factor K[v-B]
6.3.3 Method C - Factor K[v-C]
6.4 Determination of dynamic factor using Method B: K[v-B]
6.4.1 Running speed ranges
6.4.2 Determination of resonance running speed (main
resonance) of a gear pair
6.4.3 Dynamic factor in subcritical range (N <= N[S])
6.4.4 Dynamic factor in main resonance range
(N[S] < <= 1,15)
6.4.5 Dynamic factor in supercritical range (N >= 1,5)
6.4.6 Dynamic factor in intermediate range (1,15 < N < 1,5)
6.4.7 Resonance speed determination for less common
gear designs
6.4.8 Calculation of reduced mass of gear pair with
external teeth
6.5 Determination of dynamic factor using Method C: K[v-C]
6.5.1 Graphical values of dynamic factor using Method C
6.5.2 Determination by calculation of dynamic factor
using Method C
7 Face load factors K[H beta] and K[F beta]
7.1 Gear tooth load distribution
7.2 General principles for determination of face load
factors K[H beta] and K[F beta]
7.2.1 Face load factor for contact stress K[H beta]
7.2.2 Face load factor for tooth root stress K [F beta]
7.3 Methods for determination of face load factor - Principles,
7.3.1 Method A - Factors K[H beta-A] and K[F beta-A]
7.3.2 Method B - Factors K[H beta-B] and K[F beta-B]
7.3.3 Method C - Factors K[H beta-C] and K[F beta-C]
7.4 Determination of face load factor using Method B:
K[H beta-B]
7.4.1 Number of calculation points
7.4.2 Definition of K[H beta]
7.4.3 Stiffness and elastic deformations
7.4.4 Static displacements
7.4.5 Assumptions
7.4.6 Computer program output
7.5 Determination of face load factor using Method C:
K[H beta-C]
7.5.1 Effective equivalent misalignment F[beta y]
7.5.2 Running-in allowance y[beta] and running-in
factor chi[beta]
7.5.3 Mesh misalignment, f[ma]
7.5.4 Component of mesh misalignment caused by case
deformation, f[ca]
7.5.5 Component of mesh misalignment caused by shaft
displacement, f[be]
7.6 Determination of face load factor for tooth root stress
using Method B or C: K[F beta]
8 Transverse load factors K[H alpha] and K[F alpha]
8.1 Transverse load distribution
8.2 Determination methods for transverse load
factors - Principles and assumptions
8.2.1 Method A - Factors K[H alpha-A] and K[F alpha-A]
8.2.2 Method B - Factors K[H alpha-B] and K[F alpha-B]
8.3 Determination of transverse load factors using Method
B - K[H alpha-B] and K[F alpha-B]
8.3.1 Determination of transverse load factor by
8.3.2 Transverse load factors from graphs
8.3.3 Limiting conditions for K[H alpha]
8.3.4 Limiting conditions for K[F alpha]
8.3.5 Running-in allowance y[alpha]
9 Tooth stiffness parameters c' and c[gamma]
9.1 Stiffness influences
9.2 Determination methods for tooth stiffness
parameters - Principles and assumptions
9.2.1 Method A - Tooth stiffness parameters c'[A]
and c[gamma-A]
9.2.2 Method B - Tooth stiffness parameters c'[B]
and c[gamma-B]
9.3 Determination of tooth stiffness parameters c' and
c[gamma] according to Method B
9.3.1 Single stiffness, c'
9.3.2 Mesh stiffness, c[gamma]
Annex A (normative) Additional methods for determination
of f[sh] and f[ma]
Annex B (informative) Guide values for crowning and end
relief of teeth of cylindrical gears
Annex C (informative) Guide values for K[H beta-C] for
crowned teeth of cylindrical gears
Annex D (informative) Derivations and explanatory notes
Annex E (informative) Analytical determination of load
Provides the basic principles of, an introduction to, and the general influence factors for, the calculation of the load capacity of spur and helical gears.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 83/71789 DC. (07/2005) Supersedes 04/30126837 DC (11/2006)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 6336-1:2006/Cor 1:2008 | Identical |
ISO 6336-1:2006 | Identical |
BS 7905-1:2001 | Lifting equipment for performance, broadcast and similar applications Specification for the design and manufacture of above stage equipment (excluding trusses and towers) |
ISO 4287:1997 | Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method — Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters |
ISO 6336-2:2006 | Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears Part 2: Calculation of surface durability (pitting) |
ISO 701:1998 | International gear notation Symbols for geometrical data |
ISO 1328-1:2013 | Cylindrical gears — ISO system of flank tolerance classification — Part 1: Definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to flanks of gear teeth |
ISO 6336-3:2006 | Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears Part 3: Calculation of tooth bending strength |
ISO 6336-5:2016 | Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears Part 5: Strength and quality of materials |
ISO 53:1998 | Cylindrical gears for general and heavy engineering Standard basic rack tooth profile |
ISO 6336-6:2006 | Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears Part 6: Calculation of service life under variable load |
ISO 54:1996 | Cylindrical gears for general engineering and for heavy engineering — Modules |
ISO/TR 10064-1:2017 | Code of inspection practice Part 1: Measurement of cylindrical gear tooth flanks |
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