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EN ISO 20072:2013



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Aerosol drug delivery device design verification - Requirements and test methods (ISO 20072:2009)

Published date


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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
5 Requirements
6 Test methods
7 Test report
8 Information supplied by the manufacturer
Annex A (informative) - Rationale for requirements
Annex B (informative) - Further guidance and clarification of
        the device functionality profile
Annex C (informative) - Rationale for test methods
Annex D (informative) - Two-sided tolerance limit factors (k)
Annex E (informative) - Alternative acceptance criteria for
        the device functionality profile
Annex ZA (informative) - Relationship between this European
         Standard and the Essential Requirements of
         EU Directive 93/42/EEC on Medical Devices

ISO 20072:2009 applies to the design, labelling, instructions for use and testing requirements for hand-held single- and multi-use aerosol drug delivery devices (ADDDs) intended to deliver a metered or pre-metered aerosolized medication to or by means of the human respiratory tract (including nasal, oral, tracheal, bronchial and alveolar sites). This International Standard applies to both refillable and disposable devices intended for personal use.ISO 20072:2009 is intended for device design verification and not for drug product quality assessment. The objective of this International Standard is to verify, by laboratory (in-vitro) testing, that the ADDD design consistently meets the manufacturer's design specification by satisfying a device functionality profile and system verification test both of which are determined from a risk assessment and evaluated in accordance with the instructions for use.

CEN/TC 205
Comite Europeen de Normalisation

IEC 60068-2-27:2008 Environmental testing - Part 2-27: Tests - Test Ea and guidance: Shock
IEC 61000-4-1:2006 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-1: Testing and measurement techniques - Overview of IEC 61000-4 series
IEC 60601-1:2005+AMD1:2012 CSV Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
ISO 13485:2016 Medical devices Quality management systems Requirements for regulatory purposes
IEC 60721-3-7:1995+AMD1:1996 CSV Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3-7: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Portable and non-stationary use
IEC 60601-1-8:2006+AMD1:2012 CSV Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-8: General requirements forbasic safety and essential performance - Collateral Standard: General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems inmedical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems
IEC 60068-2-64:2008 Environmental testing - Part 2-64: Tests - Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random and guidance
IEC 62366:2007+AMD1:2014 CSV Medical devices - Application of usability engineering to medical devices
ISO 11135-1:2007 Sterilization of health care products Ethylene oxide Part 1: Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
IEC 60601-1-2:2014 Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic disturbances - Requirements and tests
ISO 16269-6:2014 Statistical interpretation of data — Part 6: Determination of statistical tolerance intervals
IEC 62304:2006+AMD1:2015 CSV Medical device software - Software life cycle processes
ISO 15378:2017 Primary packaging materials for medicinal products — Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2015, with reference to good manufacturing practice (GMP)
IEC 61000-4-2:2008 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test
IEC 61000-4-3:2006+AMD1:2007+AMD2:2010 CSV Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test
ISO 10993-1:2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process
ISO 14971:2007 Medical devices Application of risk management to medical devices
ISO 15223-1:2016 Medical devices Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied Part 1: General requirements
ISO 27427:2013 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — Nebulizing systems and components
ISO 17665-1:2006 Sterilization of health care products — Moist heat — Part 1: Requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
ISO 3951-2:2013 Sampling procedures for inspection by variables — Part 2: General specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection of independent quality characteristics
IEC 60068-2-30:2005 Environmental testing - Part 2-30: Tests - Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle)

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