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IEC TS 63014-1:2018



The latest, up-to-date edition.

High voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission - System requirements for DC-side equipment - Part 1: Using line-commutated converters

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IEC TS 63014-1:2018(E) is intended to provide an overall and consistent set of guidelines to facilitate the specification of equipment for the DC-side of a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) system using line-commutated converters. For point-to-point HVDC transmission systems, this document covers all DC-side equipment located between the converter valves and the DC overhead line or cable termination, excluding the converter valves themselves. For back-to-back HVDC systems, this document covers all DC-side equipment excluding the converter valves themselves.

TC 115
Stability Date: 2021. (03/2018)
Technical Specification
International Electrotechnical Committee

Standards Relationship
DIN IEC/TS 63014-1 : 2019-04 Identical
VDE V 0553-314-1 : 2019-04 Identical
IS 17590 : Part 1 : 2021 Identical
PD IEC/TS 63014-1:2018 Identical

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