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INCITS/ISO/IEC 11404 : 2009



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0 Introduction
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Conformance
   4.1 Direct conformance
   4.2 Indirect conformance
   4.3 Conformance of a mapping standard
   4.4 GPD program conformance
5 Conventions used in this International Standard
   5.1 Formal syntax
   5.2 Text conventions
6 Fundamental notions
   6.1 Datatype
   6.2 Value space
   6.3 Datatype properties
        6.3.1 Equality
        6.3.2 Order
        6.3.3 Bound
        6.3.4 Cardinality
        6.3.5 Exact and approximate
        6.3.6 Numeric
   6.4 Primitive and non-primitive datatypes
   6.5 Datatype generator
   6.6 Characterizing operations
   6.7 Datatype families
   6.8 Aggregate datatypes
        6.8.1 Homogeneity
        6.8.2 Size
        6.8.3 Uniqueness
        6.8.4 Aggregate-imposed identifier uniqueness
        6.8.5 Aggregate-imposed ordering
        6.8.6 Access method
        6.8.7 Recursive structure
        6.8.8 Structured and unstructured
        6.8.9 Mandatory and optional components
   6.9 Provisions associated with datatypes
7 Elements of the Datatype Specification Language
   7.1 IDN character-set
   7.2 Whitespace
   7.3 Lexical objects
        7.3.1 Identifiers
        7.3.2 Digit-string
        7.3.3 Character-literal and string-literal
        7.3.4 Keywords
   7.4 Annotations
   7.5 Values
        7.5.1 Independent values
        7.5.2 Dependent values
   7.6 GPD program text
8 Datatypes
   8.1 Primitive datatypes
        8.1.1 Boolean
        8.1.2 State
        8.1.3 Enumerated
        8.1.4 Character
        8.1.5 Ordinal
        8.1.6 Date-and-Time
        8.1.7 Integer
        8.1.8 Rational
        8.1.9 Scaled
        8.1.10 Real
        8.1.11 Complex
        8.1.12 Void
   8.2 Subtypes and extended types
        8.2.1 Range
        8.2.2 Selecting
        8.2.3 Excluding
        8.2.4 Size
        8.2.5 Explicit subtypes
        8.2.6 Extended
   8.3 Generated data
        8.3.1 Choice
        8.3.2 Pointer
        8.3.3 Procedure
   8.4 Aggregate Datatypes
        8.4.1 Record
        8.4.2 Class
        8.4.3 Set
        8.4.4 Bag
        8.4.5 Sequence
        8.4.6 Array
        8.4.7 Table
   8.5 Defined datatypes
   8.6 Provisions
        8.6.1 General parameters for provisions
        8.6.2 Aggregate-specific features
        8.6.3 Aggregate-component-identifier uniqueness
        8.6.4 Usage-specific features
9 Declarations
   9.1 Type declarations
        9.1.1 Renaming declarations
        9.1.2 New datatype declarations
        9.1.3 New generator declarations
   9.2 Value declarations
   9.3 Termination declarations
   9.4 Normative datatype declarations
   9.5 Lexical operations
        9.5.1 Import
        9.5.2 Macro
10 Defined datatypes and generators
   10.1 Defined datatypes
        10.1.1 Natural number
        10.1.2 Modulo
        10.1.3 Bit
        10.1.4 Bit string
        10.1.5 Character string
        10.1.6 Time interval
        10.1.7 Octet
        10.1.8 Octet string
        10.1.9 Private
        10.1.10 Object identifier
   10.2 Defined generators
        10.2.1 Stack
        10.2.2 Tree
        10.2.3 Optional
11 Mappings
   11.1 Outward Mapping
   11.2 Inward Mappings
   11.3 Reverse Inward Mapping
   11.4 Support of Datatypes
        11.4.1 Support of equality
        11.4.2 Support of order
        11.4.3 Support of bounds
        11.4.4 Support of cardinality
        11.4.5 Support for the exact or approximate property
        11.4.6 Support for the numeric property
        11.4.7 Support for the mandatory components
Annex A (informative) - Character-set standards
Annex B (informative) - Recommendation for the placement of
Annex C (informative) - Implementation notions of datatypes

Describes the nomenclature and shared semantics for a collection of datatypes commonly occurring in programming languages and software interfaces, referred to as the General-Purpose Datatypes (GPD). Also describes both primitive datatypes, in the sense of being defined ab initio without reference to other datatypes, and non-primitive datatypes, in the sense of being wholly or partly defined in terms of other datatypes.

Information Technology Industry Council

Standards Relationship
ISO/IEC 11404:2007 Identical

ISO/IEC 10036:1996 Information technology Font information interchange Procedures for registration of font-related identifiers
ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998 Information technology 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1
ISO/IEC TR 10176:2003 Information technology — Guidelines for the preparation of programming language standards
ISO/IEC 10646:2014 Information technology Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
ISO/IEC 13886:1996 Information technology — Language-Independent Procedure Calling (LIPC)
IEC 60559:1989 Binary floating-point arithmetic for microprocessor systems
ISO/IEC 7350:1991 Information technology Registration of repertoires of graphic characters from ISO/IEC 10367
ISO 8601:2004 Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times
ISO/IEC 11578:1996 Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010 Information technology Programming languages Fortran Part 1: Base language
ISO/IEC 10967-1:2012 Information technology — Language independent arithmetic — Part 1: Integer and floating point arithmetic
ISO/IEC 2375:2003 Information technology — Procedure for registration of escape sequences and coded character sets
ISO/IEC 14977:1996 Information technology — Syntactic metalanguage — Extended BNF
ISO/IEC 646:1991 Information technology ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange
ISO/IEC 9593-1:1990 Information processing systems Computer graphics Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) language bindings Part 1: FORTRAN
ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004 Standardization and related activities — General vocabulary

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