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PD CEN/TS 16614-3:2016



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Public transport. Network and Timetable Exchange (NeTEx) Public transport fares exchange format

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European foreword
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols and abbreviations
5 Use Cases for Fare Exchange
6 Generic Physical Model and XSD mapping rules
7 Public Transport Fares - Conceptual and
  physical data model
8 Sales Transactions
Annex A (normative) - Extensions to NeTEx Part1 & 2
Annex B (informative) - ERA - TAP TSI annexes B1,
        B2 and B3 mapping
Annex C (informative) - NeTEx Passenger Information
        Query model
Annex D (informative) - How to go from a trip (from
        NeTEx Part 1 & 2) to a fare ?
Annex E (informative) - Proposed model for
        Parking Tariff

Defines the exchange of scheduled data (network, timetable and fare information).

British Standards Institution

1.1 General NeTEx is dedicated to the exchange of scheduled data (network, timetable and fare information). It is based on Transmodel V5.1 (EN 12986), IFOPT (EN 28701) and SIRI (CEN/TS 15531-4, CEN/TS 15531-5 and EN 15531-1, EN 15531-2, EN 15531-3 ) and supports the exchange of information of relevance for passenger information about public transport services and also for running Automated Vehicle Monitoring Systems (AVMS). NOTE NeTEx is a refinement and an implementation of Transmodel and IFOPT; the definitions and explanations of these concepts are extracted directly from the respective standard and reused in NeTEx, sometimes with adaptations in order to fit the NeTEx context. Although the data exchanges targeted by NeTEx are predominantly oriented towards provisioning passenger information systems and AVMS with data from transit scheduling systems, it is not restricted to this purpose and NeTEx can also provide an effective solution to many other use cases for transport data exchange. 1.2 Fares scope This Part 3 of NeTEx, is specifically concerned with the exchange of fare structures and fare data, using data models that relate to the underlying network and timetable models defined in Part 1 and Part 2 and the Fare Collection data model defined in Transmodel V51. See the use cases below for the overall scope of Part 3. In summary, it is concerned with data for the following purposes: (i) To describe the many various possible fare structures that arise in public transport (for example, flat fares, zonal fares, time dependent fares, distance based fares, stage fares, pay as you go fares, season passes, etc., etc.). (ii) To describe the fare products that may be purchased having these fare structures and to describe the conditions that may attach to particular fares, for example if restricted to specific groups of users, or subject to temporal restrictions. These conditions may be complex. (i) To allow actual price data to be exchanged. Note however that NeTEx does not itself specify pricing algorithms or how fares should be calculated. This is the concern of Fare Management Systems. It may be used may be used to exchange various parameters required for pricing calculations that are needed to explain or justify a fare. (iii) To include the attributes and the text descriptions necessary to present fares and their conditions of sale and use to the public. NeTEx should be regarded as being ‘upstream’ of retail systems and allows fare data to be managed and integrated with journey planning and network data in public facing information systems. It is complementary to and distinct from the ‘downstream’ ticketing and retail systems that sell fares and of the control systems that validate their use. See ‘Excluded Use Cases’ below for further information on the boundaries of NeTEx with Fare Management Systems. 1.3 Transport modes All mass public transport modes are taken into account by NeTEx, including train, bus, coach, metro, tramway, ferry, and their submodes. It is possible to describe airports, air journeys, and air fares, but there has not been any specific consideration of any additional requirements that apply specifically to air transport. 1.4 Compatibility with existing standards and recommendations The overall approach for the definition of fares within NeTEx Part 3 follows the approach used by Transmodel V5.1, namely the definition of access rights rather than of just products. This approach, used in Transmodel V5.1 (Fare Collection data model) to specify the access rights related to the urban public transport (for all urban modes) has been extended to cover access rights for long-distance rail. NOTE The concepts from Transmodel V5.1 and IFOPT used and/or modified by NeTEx are incorporated into Transmodel V6 to guarantee compatibility and coherence of standards.

Standards Relationship
CEN/TS 16614-3:2016 Identical

CEN/TS 28701:2010 Road transport and traffic telematics - Public transport - Identification of fixed objects in public transport
CEN/TS 15531-5:2016 Public transport ‐ Service interface for real‐time information relating to public transport operations ‐ Part 5: Functional service interfaces situation exchange: Situation Exchange
EN 28701:2012 Intelligent transport systems - Public transport - Identification of Fixed Objects in Public Transport (IFOPT)
ISO 639:1988 Code for the representation of names of languages
CEN/TS 15531-2:2007 Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 2: Communications infrastructure
CEN/TS 15531-3:2007 Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 3: Functional service interfaces
CEN/TS 15531-4:2011 Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 4: Functional service interfaces: Facility Monitoring
CEN/TS 15531-1:2007 Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 1: Context and framework
ISO 8601:2004 Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times
EN 15531-2:2015 Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 2: Communications
EN 12896:2006 Road transport and traffic telematics - Public transport - Reference data model
EN 15531-3:2015 Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 3: Functional service interfaces
EN 15531-1:2015 Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 1: Context and framework

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