ANSI INCITS 439 : 2008
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Document Overview (Informative)
1 Scope
2 Conformance
3 Normative references
4 Terms and definitions
4.1 biometric sample (sample) (harmonized)
4.2 cumulative distribution function (CDF)
4.3 genuine score
4.4 impostor score
4.5 location parameter
4.6 probability density function (PDF)
4.7 scale parameter
4.8 similarity score
5 Abbreviations
6 Fusion Information Format (FIF)
6.1 Overview
6.2 Byte ordering
6.3 Numeric values
6.4 External CBEFF structure
6.5 Fusion header block
6.5.1 General
6.5.2 Format identifier
6.5.3 Version number
6.5.4 Record length
6.5.5 Biometric type
6.5.6 Comparison subsystem Product ID
6.5.7 Dataset ID
6.5.8 Score sense
6.5.9 Number of type instances
7 Common elements
7.1 General
7.2 Parameter kind
7.3 Parameter origin
7.4 Distributions present
7.5 Pre-normalization flag
8 Type 1 record
8.1 Purpose
8.2 Format
8.2.1 Supporting datatype - Subtype A
8.2.2 Definition
8.2.3 Type
8.2.4 Distributions present
8.2.5 Impostor distribution location
8.2.6 Impostor distribution scale
8.2.7 Genuine distribution location
8.2.8 Genuine distribution scale
8.3 Use case (Informative)
9 Type 2 record
9.1 Purpose
9.2 Format
9.2.1 Supporting datatype - Subtype B
9.2.2 Definition
9.2.3 Type
9.2.4 Distributions present
9.2.5 Impostor distribution
9.2.6 Genuine distribution
9.3 Use case (Informative)
10 Type 3 record
10.1 Purpose
10.2 Format
10.2.1 Supporting datatype - Subtype C
10.2.2 Definition
10.2.3 Type
10.2.4 Distributions present
10.2.5 Impostor distribution
10.2.6 Genuine distribution
11 Type 4 record
11.1 Purpose
11.2 Format
11.2.1 Supporting datatype - Subtype D
11.2.2 Definition
11.2.3 Type
11.2.4 Distributions present
11.2.5 Impostor distribution
11.2.6 Genuine distribution
12 References
Annex A - Example Cumulative Distribution Functions (informative)
Annex B - Use of pre-normalized data (informative)
Annex C - Source for evaluation of spline [SPLINE] (informative)
Annex D - Source code for Hermite spline interpolant [HERMITE]
Biometric Fusion Information Format establishes machine readable data formats to describe the statistics of similarity score inputs to a fusion process.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
Information Technology Industry Council
Status |
SupersededBy |
IEEE 754-2008 REDLINE | IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic |
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