AS 2535-1986
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Solar collectors with liquid as the heat-transfer fluid - Method for testing thermal performance
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Sets out a method for determining the thermal performance characteristic of all classes of solar collectors operating with liquid as the heat-transfer fluid. The thermal performance characteristic may be used to estimate collector performance when subjected to different ambient conditions and load requirements.
Committee |
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0 7262 4443 0
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PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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Supersedes |
This standard sets out a method for determining the thermal performance characteristic of all classes of solar collectors operating with liquid as the heat-transfer fluid. This thermal performance characteristic may be used to estimate the performance of the collector when subjected to different ambient conditions and load requirements. It can also be used as a basis for rating different collectors.The test method described is intended for use on all types of collector, which transfer incident solar energy, as heat, to liquid passing through the collector.
Under Revision see DR 98545 CP (in part)
AS/NZS 2535.1:1999 | Test methods for solar collectors Thermal performance of glazed liquid heating collectors including pressure drop |
AS 4234-1994 | Solar water heaters - Domestic and heat pump - Calculation of energy consumption |
AS 3634-1989 | Solar heating systems for swimming pools (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS/NZS 4445.1:1997 | Solar heating - Domestic water heating systems Performance rating procedure using indoor test methods |
AS 2823-1985 | Agricultural tractors and self-propelled machines - Test procedure for performance of air-conditioning systems |
AS 2712-1993 | Solar water heaters - Design and construction |
AS 2984-1987 | Solar water heaters - Test for thermal performance - Outdoor test |
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