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AS 3601-1988



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Information processing - Volume and file structure of CD-ROM for information interchange

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5 - Contents
13 - Section one: General
13 - 1 Scope and field of application
13 - 2 Conformance
13 - 2.1 Conformance of a CD-ROM
13 - 2.2 Conformance of an information processing system
13 - 3 References
13 - 4 Definitions
13 - 4.1 application program:
13 - 4.2 byte:
14 - 4.3 Data Field of a sector:
14 - 4.4 data preparer:
14 - 4.5 descriptor:
14 - 4.6 Extent:
14 - 4.7 file:
14 - 4.8 File Section:
14 - 4.9 implementation:
14 - 4.10 Logical Block:
14 - 4.11 originating system:
14 - 4.12 receiving system:
14 - 4.13 record:
14 - 4.14 sector:
14 - 4.15 standard for recording:
14 - 4.16 user:
14 - 4.17 volume:
14 - 4.18 Volume Set:
14 - 5 Notation
14 - 5.1 Decimal and hexadecimal notations
14 - 5.2 Other notation
15 - Section two : Requirements for the medium
15 - 6 Volume structure
15 - 6.1 Arrangement of data on a CD-ROM
15 - 6.1.1 Physical Addresses
15 - 6.1.2 Logical Sector
15 - 6.1.3 Volume Space
15 - 6.2 Arrangement of the Volume Space
15 - 6.2.1 System Area and Data Area
15 - 6.2.2 Logical Block
15 - 6.3 Arrangement of the Data Area
16 - 6.4 Arrangement of Extents
16 - 6.4.1 Extent
16 - 6.4.2 Mode of recording a File Section
16 - 6.4.3 Interleaved mode
16 - 6.4.4 Non-interleaved mode
17 - 6.4.5 Data length of a File Section
17 - 6.4.6 Relation of Extended Attribute Record to File Section
17 - 6.4.7 Recording of a Volume Partition
17 - 6.5 File structure
17 - 6.5.1 Relation to File Sections
17 - 6.5.2 Numbering of bytes in a file
17 - 6.5.3 Contents of a file
18 - 6.5.4 Associated File
18 - 6.6 Volume Set
18 - 6.7 Volume Descriptors
18 - 6.7.1 Volume Descriptor Set
18 - 6.8 Directory structure
18 - 6.8.1 Directory
19 - 6.8.2 Directory Hierarchy
19 - 6.8.3 Relation of Directory Hierarchies
20 - 6.9 Path Table
20 - 6.9.1 Order of Path Table Records
20 - 6.9.2 Path Table Group
20 - 6.9.3 Recorded Occurrences of the Path Table
20 - 6.9.4 Consistency of PathTables between volumes of a Volume Group
20 - 6.10 Record structure
20 - 6.10.1 Characteristics
21 - 6.10.2 Measured Data Units (MDU)
21 - 6.10.3 Fixed-length records
21 - 6.10.4 Variable-length records
21 - 7 Recording of descriptor fields
21 - 7.1 8-bit numerical values
21 - 7.1.1 8-bit unsigned numerical values
21 - 7.1.2 8-bit signed numerical values
21 - 7.2 16-bit numerical value
21 - 7.2.1 Least significant byte first
21 - 7.2.2 Most significant byte first
21 - 7.2.3 Both-byte orders
21 - 7.3 32-bit numerical values
22 - 7.3.1 Least significant byte first
22 - 7.3.2 Most significant byte first
22 - 7.3.3 Both-byte orders
22 - 7.4 Character sets and coding
22 - 7.4.1 d-characters and a-characters
22 - 7.4.2 c-characters
22 - 7.4.3 Separators
22 - 7.4.4 Use of characters in descriptor fields
22 - 7.4.5 Justification of characters
22 - 7.5 File Identifier
22 - 7.5.1 File Identifier format
23 - 7.5.2 File Identifier length
23 - 7.6 Directory Identifier
23 - 7.6.1 Directory Identifier Format
23 - 7.6.2 Reserved Directory Identifiers
23 - 7.6.3 Directory Identifier length
23 - 8 Volume Descriptors
23 - 8.1 Format of a Volume Descriptor
23 - 8.1.1 Volume Descriptor Type (BP 1)
23 - 8.1.2 Standard Identifier (BP 2 to 6)
23 - 8.1.3 Volume Descriptor Version (BP 7)
23 - 8.1.4 Depends on Volume Descriptor Type (BP 8 to 2 048)
24 - 8.2 Boot Record
24 - 8.2.1 Volume Descriptor Type (BP 1)
24 - 8.2.2 Standard Identifier (BP 2 to 6)
24 - 8.2.3 Volume Descriptor Version (BP 7)
24 - 8.2.4 Boot System Identifier (BP 8 to 39)
24 - 8.2.5 Boot Identifier (BP 40 to 71)
24 - 8.2.6 Boot System Use (BP 72 to 2 048)
24 - 8.3 Volume Descriptor Set Terminator
24 - 8.3.1 Volume Descriptor Type (BP 1)
24 - 8.3.2 Standard Identifier (BP 2 to 6)
24 - 8.3.3 Volume Descriptor Version (BP 7)
24 - 8.3.4 Reserved for future standardization (BP 8 to 2 048)
24 - 8.4 Primary Volume Descriptor
24 - 8.4.1 Volume Descriptor Type (BP 1)
25 - 8.4.2 Standard Identifier (BP 2 to 6)
25 - 8.4.3 Volume Descriptor Version (BP 7)
25 - 8.4.4 Unused Field (BP 8)
25 - 8.4.5 System Identifier (BP 9 to 40)
25 - 8.4.6 Volume Identifier (BP 41 to 72)
25 - 8.4.7 Unused Field (BP 73 to 80)
25 - 8.4.8 Volume Space Size (BP 81 to 88)
26 - 8.4.9 Unused Field (BP 89 to 120)
26 - 8.4.10 Volume Set Size (BP 121 to 124)
26 - 8.4.11 Volume Sequence Number (BP 125 to 128)
26 - 8.4.12 Logical Block Size (BP 129 to 132)
26 - 8.4.13 Path Table Size (BP 133 to 140)
26 - 8.4.14 Location of Occurrence of Type L Path Table (BP 141 to 144)
26 - 8.4.15 Location of Optional Occurrence of Type L Path Table (BP 145 to 148)
26 - 8.4.16 Location of Occurrence of Type M Path Table (BP 149 to 152)
26 - 8.4.17 Location of Optional Occurrence of Type M Path Table (BP 153 to 156)
26 - 8.4.18 Directory Record for Root Directory (BP 157 to 190)
26 - 8.4.19 Volume Set Identifier (BP 191 to 318)
26 - 8.4.20 Publisher Identifier (BP 319 to 446)
26 - 8.4.21 Data Preparer Identifier (BP 447 to 574)
27 - 8.4.22 Application Identifier (BP 575 to 702)
27 - 8.4.23 Copyright File Identifier (BP 703 to 739)
27 - 8.4.24 Abstract File Identifier (BP 740 to 776)
27 - 8.4.25 Bibliographic File Identifier (BP 777 to 813)
27 - 8.4.26 Volume Creation Date and Time (BP 814 to 830)
27 - 8.4.27 Volume Modification Date and Time (BP 831 to 847)
28 - 8.4.28 Volume Expiration Date and Time (BP 848 to 864)
28 - 8.4.29 Volume Effective Date and Time (BP 865 to 881)
28 - 8.4.30 File Structure Version (BP 882)
28 - 8.4.31 Reserved for future standardization ( BP 883)
28 - 8.4.32 Application Use (BP 884 to 1 395)
28 - 8.4.33 Reserved for future standardization (BP 1 396 to 2 048)
28 - 8.5 Supplementary Volume Descriptor
29 - 8.5.1 Volume Descriptor Type (BP 1)
29 - 8.5.2 Volume Descriptor Version (BP 7)
29 - 8.5.3 Volume Flags (BP 8)
29 - 8.5.4 System Identifier (BP 9 to 40)
29 - 8.5.5 Volume Identifier (BP 41 to 72)
29 - 8.5.6 Escape Sequences (BP 89 to 120)
29 - 8.5.7 Path Table Size (BP 133 to 140)
29 - 8.5.8 Location of Occurrence of Type L Path Table (BP 141 to 144)
29 - 8.5.9 Location of Optional Occurrence of Type L Path Table (BP 145 to 148)
29 - 8.5.10 Location of Occurrence of Type M Path Table (BP 149 to 152)
30 - 8.5.11 Location of Optional Occurrence of Type M Path Table (BP 153 to 156)
30 - 8.5.12 Directory Record for Root Directory (BP 157 to 190)
30 - 8.5.13 Volume Set Identifier (BP 191 to 318)
30 - 8.5.14 Publisher Identifier (BP 319 to 446)
30 - 8.5.15 Data Preparer Identifier (BP 447 to 574)
30 - 8.5.16 Application Identifier (BP 575 to 702)
30 - 8.5.17 Copyright File Identifier (BP 703 to 739)
30 - 8.5.19 Bibliographic File Identifier (BP 777 to 813)
30 - 8.5.19 Bibliographic File Identifier (BP 777 to 813)
30 - 8.5.20 Application Use (BP 884 to 1 395)
30 - 8.6 Volume Partition Descriptor
31 - 8.6.1 Volume Descriptor Type (BP 1)
31 - 8.6.2 Standard Identifier (BP 2 to 6)
31 - 8.6.3 Volume Descriptor Version (BP 7)
31 - 8.6.4 Unused Field (BP 8)
31 - 8.6.5 System Identifier (BP 9 to 40)
31 - 8.6.6 Volume Partition Identifier (BP 41 to 72)
31 - 8.6.7 Volume Partition Location (BP 73 to 80)
31 - 8.6.8 Volume Partition Size (BP 81 to 88)
31 - 8.6.9 System Use (BP 89 to 2 048)
31 - 9 File and Directory Descriptors
31 - 9.1 Format of a Directory Record
31 - 9.1.1 Length of Directory Record (LEN_DR) (BP 1)
32 - 9.1.2 Extended Attribute Record Length (BP 2)
32 - 9.1.3 Location of Extent (BP 3 to 10)
32 - 9.1.4 Data Length (BP 11 to 18)
32 - 9.1.5 Recording Date and Time (BP 19 to 25)
32 - 9.1.6 File Flags (BP 26)
33 - 9.1.7 File Unit Size (BP 27)
33 - 9.1.8 Interleave Gap Size (BP 28)
33 - 9.1.9 Volume Sequence Number (BP 29 to 32)
33 - 9.1.10 Length of File Identifier (LEN_FI) (BP 33)
33 - 9.1.11 File Identifier [BP 34 to (33 + LEN_FI)]
33 - 9.1.12 Padding Field [BP 34 + LEN_FI)]
33 - 9.1.13 System Use [BP (LEN_DR-LEN_SU + 1) to LEN_ DR]
33 - 9.2 Consistency of File Attributes between Directory Records of a File
33 - 9.3 Order of Directory Records
34 - 9.4 Format of a Path Table Record
34 - 9.4.1 Length of Directory Identifier (LEN_DI) (BP 1)
34 - 9.4.2 Extended Attribute Record Length (BP 2)
34 - 9.4.3 Location of Extent (BP 3 to 6)
34 - 9.4.4 Parent Directory Number (BP 7 to 8)
34 - 9.4.5 Directory Identifier [BP 9 to (8 + LEN_DI)]
34 - 9.4.6 Padding Field [BP (9 + LEN_DI)]
35 - 9.5 Format of an Extended Attribute Record
35 - 9.5.1 Owner Identification (BP 1 to 4)
35 - 9.5.2 Group Identification (BP 5 to 8)
35 - 9.5.3 Permissions (BP 9 to 10)
36 - 9.5.4 File Creation Date and Time (BP 11 to 27)
36 - 9.5.5 File Modification Date and Time (BP 28 to 44)
36 - 9.5.6 File Expiration Date and Time (BP 45 to 61)
36 - 9.5.7 File Effective Date and Time (BP 62 to 78)
36 - 9.5.8 Record Format (BP 79)
37 - 9.5.9 Record Attributes (BP 80)
37 - 9.5.10 Record Length (BP 81 to 84)
37 - 9.5.11 System Identifier (BP 85 to 116)
37 - 9.5.12 System Use (BP 117 to 180)
37 - 9.5.13 Extended Attribute Record Version (BP 181)
37 - 9.5.14 Length of Escape Sequences (BP 182)
37 - 9.5.15 Reserved for future standardization (BP 183 to 246)
37 - 9.5.16 Length of Application Use (BP 247 to 250)
37 - 9.5.17 Application Use [BP 251 to (250 + LEN_AU)]
37 - 9.5.18 Escape Sequences [BP (251 + LEN_AU) to (250 + LEN _ESC + LEN_ AU)]
37 - 9.6 Consistency of File Attributes between Extended Attribute Records of a File
38 - 10 Levels of interchange
38 - 10.1 Level 1
38 - 10.2 Level 2
38 - 10.3 Level 3
39 - Section three: Requirements for systems
39 - 11 Requirement for the description of systems
39 - 12 Requirements for an originating system
39 - 12.1 General
39 - 12.2 Files
39 - 12.3 Descriptors
40 - 12.4 System Area
40 - 13 Requirements for a receiving system
40 - 13.1 General
40 - 13.2 Files
40 - 13.3 Descriptors
41 - 13.4 Restrictions
41 - 13.5 Levels of Implementation
41 - 13.5.1 Level 1
41 - 13.5.2 Level 2
42 - Annex A - ISO 646: International Reference Version (IRV)

Requirements for the processes which are provided within information processing systems, utilizing recorded CD-ROM as the medium of interchange for the functions within systems, which are intended to originate or receive CD-ROM. This Standard is identical with ISO 9660:1988.

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Standards Australia

This International Standard specifies the volume and file structure of compact read only optical disks (CD-ROM) for the interchange of information between users of information processing systems.This International Standard specifies- the attributes of the volume and the descriptors recorded on it;- the relationship among volumes of a volume set;- the placement of files;- the attributes of the files;- record structures intended for use in the input or output data streams of an application program when such data streams are required to be organized as sets of records;- three nested levels of medium interchange;- two nested levels of implementation;- requirements for the processes which are provided within information processing systems, to enable information to be interchanged between different systems, utilizing recorded CD-ROM as the medium of interchange; for this purpose it specifies the functions to be provided within systems which are intended to originate or receive CD-ROM which conform to this International Standard.

Standards Relationship
ISO 9660:1988 Identical

AS/NZS 1486:1993 Information technology - Programming languages - Fortran 90 (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1953-1987 Information processing - ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets - Code extension techniques
AS 1776-1980 Information processing - 7-bit coded character set for information interchange

AS/NZS 4270.3:1995 Geographic information systems - Spatial data transfer standard - ISO 8211 encoding
AS 3783-1990 Data storage and transfer media - CD-ROM - Data interchange on read-only 120 mm optical data disks

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