AS 3785.5-1991
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Underground mining - Shaft equipment Headframes
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Specifies design requirements for headframes and skyshafts used in mine winding installations.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7262 6822 4
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Under Revision See DR 95456
AS 4100 SUPP 1-1990 | Steel structures - Commentary (Supplement to AS 4100-1990) |
AS 1418.1-1994 | Cranes (including hoists and winches) General requirements |
AS 3785.6-1992 | Underground mining - Shaft equipment Guides and rubbing ropes for conveyances |
AS 3600-1994 | Concrete structures |
AS 4100-1990 | Steel structures |
AS 1170.2-1989 | Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) Wind loads |
AS 2670-1983 | Vibration and shock - Guide to the evaluation of human exposure to whole body vibration |
AS 1664-1979 | Rules for the use of aluminium in structures (known as the SAA Aluminium Structures Code) (incorporating Corrig.) |
AS 1720.1-1988 | Timber structures (known as the SAA Timber Structures Code) Design methods |
AS 1657-1992 | Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders - Design, construction and installation |
AS 1250-1981 | The use of steel in structures (known as the SAA Steel Structures Code) |
AS 1170.1-1981 | Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) Dead and live loads |
AS 2121-1979 | The design of earthquake-resistant buildings (known as the SAA Earthquake Code) |
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