AS 4564-2005
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Specification for general purpose natural gas
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Specifies requirements to ensure that general purpose natural gas that is transported and supplied is safe to use in natural gas appliances and equipment and for use as fuel in natural gas vehicles.
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0 7337 6880 6
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PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
GeneralThis specification sets out requirements that ensure that general purpose natural gas that is transported and supplied is safe for use in natural gas appliances and equipment and for use as fuel in natural gas vehicles.The specification applies to natural gas - (a) from petroleum, landfill, biogas, coal seam and other sources where these sources provide gas for direct or blended supply on a commercial basis through supply systems serving general purpose customers;(b) transported and supplied to users for use in natural gas appliances and equipment complying with the relevant Standards. This includes natural gas powered vehicles, natural gas compressors and refuelling facilities.This specification is not intended to apply to natural gas for supply as a process feedstock, but may provide a basis for such a specification. Gas complying with this specification is safe for general purpose use but is not necessarily fit for purpose in all applications.General purpose natural gas is subject to contractual requirements between buyer and seller and in some cases to National or State requirements as to quality, including allowable excursions from the specification. Inclusions and exclusionsThe specification covers gas for general purpose use but is not intended to apply to gas supplies where no ‘general purpose’ users are connected to the supply system, e.g., a dedicated supply to an industrial user.General purpose natural gas can be formed by blending gas from different supplies.The hydrocarbon dewpoint limit in the specification may be more restrictive than need be for some general purpose natural gas supply systems that are confined to only one State. For these systems, the relevant State regulatory body may provide for a higher limit if local conditions are favourable and it is possible to avoid excessive condensation with the higher limit. Compliance with such higher limit will constitute compliance with the Standard within that State only. In the absence of such provision the limit in the specification shall apply. Certain limits defined in the specification may be temporarily departed from under some circumstances. The issue of such departures is not within the scope of this Standard and is subject to and provided for under relevant gas sales contracts, legislation and/or government guidelines.NOTE: This specification is supported by informative Appendices that provide further information and guidance on the derivation of the requirements, additional issues to be considered in contracts and testing methods to verify compliance. See AppendicesA, B and C.
Originated as AS 4564-2003 (AG 864-2003).
Second edition 2005.
AS 2885.1-1997 | Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum Design and construction |
AS 2649-1983 | Petroleum liquids and gases - Measurement - Standard reference conditions |
AS/NZS 2739:2003 | Natural gas (CNG) fuel systems for vehicle engines |
AS 4647-2011 | Diaphragm gas meters (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 2739:2009 | Natural gas (NG) fuel systems for vehicle engines |
AS 2885.2-2007 | Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum Welding |
AS 5092-2009 | CNG refuelling stations |
AS 4983-2010 | Gas fuel systems for forklifts and industrial engines |
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