AS 4590-2006
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Interchange of client information
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Provides industry and government with a common client data interchange standard that eliminates the need for creative data variations.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7337 7821 6
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
General This Standard sets out requirements for data elements for the interchange of client information. The data elements covered comprise party identification, person details, organization details, addressing, and electronic contact details. See Figure 1.This Standard focuses only on the interchange of Australian client information and any international client information is beyond the scope of this Standard. This Standard does not address data interchange syntax.This Standard applies to databases that require a standard definition of the format for datasets relating to the client information. Items such as person/organization details, addressing and contact details are given a data standard that can be utilized by databases.Interchange message designThis Standard does not provide guidance on the principles for interchange message design and how the different parts of the Standard may be assembled into an interchange format. The Standard does not focus on the design of how the data is structured together, or any other data modelling standards. It is focused primarily on how individual data elements are presented in a common format for interchange of that data.
Originated as part of AS 4212-1994.
Previous edition AS 4590-1999.
Second edition 2006.
AS ISO/IEC 11179.3-2005 | Information technology - Metadata registries (MDR) Registry metamodel and basic attributes |
ISO/TS 27527:2010 | Health informatics — Provider identification |
AS/NZS 4819:2003 | Geographic information - Rural and urban addressing |
ISO/TS 22220:2011 | Health informatics — Identification of subjects of health care |
14/30280901 DC : 0 | BS ISO 19160-1 - ADDRESSING - PART 1: CONCEPTUAL MODEL |
DD ISO/TS 27527:2010 | Health informatics. Provider identification |
BS ISO 19160-1:2015 | Addressing Conceptual model |
DD ISO/TS 22220:2011 | Health informatics. Identification of subjects of health care |
ISO 19160-1:2015 | Addressing Part 1: Conceptual model |
AS 5017-2006 | Health Care Client Identification |
AS ISO 8601-2003 | Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times |
HB 262-2008 | Guidelines for pathology messaging between pathology providers and health service providers |
AS 1742.5:2017 | Manual of uniform traffic control devices Street name and community facility name signs |
AS 4860-2007 | Knowledge-based identity authentication - Recognizing Known Customers |
AS/NZS 4819:2011 | Rural and urban addressing |
AS 4700.5(INT)-2007 | Implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 2.5 Immunization messages |
AS/NZS ISO 19160.1:2018 | Addressing Conceptual model |
HB 262-2012 | Guidelines for messaging between diagnostics providers and health service providers |
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