AS 4752-2004
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Market and social research
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Foreword1 Scope and general 1.1 Scope 1.2 Guidance notes 1.3 Referenced documents 1.4 Terms and definitions2 Systems structure and management 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Organisation and responsibilities 2.3 Training, development and competencies 2.4 Documented systems 2.5 Project quality management system 2.6 Purchasing and subcontractor management 2.7 Maintenance of equipment 2.8 Reviewing the effectiveness of the quality management system 2.9 Internal audit requirements3 Project management and reporting 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Research proposals and price quotations 3.3 Research proposals and projects requiring research design 3.4 Review of proposed research design and methodology 3.5 Responding to a price quotation request 3.6 Prior to commissioning 3.7 Project schedule 3.8 Questionnaires and discussion guides 3.9 Prior to conducting fieldwork 3.10 Conducting fieldwork 3.11 Research analysis 3.12 Presentation of quantitative data 3.13 Checking of quantitative data 3.14 Reporting 3.15 Report review 3.16 Client property 3.17 Project records 3.18 Multi-national research 3.19 Internal audits4 Data collection 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Face-to-face interviewing 4.3 Telephone interviewing 4.4 Audits and observational studies 4.5 Recruitment for qualitative research 4.6 Self-completion and internet data collection 4.7 Internal audits5 Data management and processing 5.1 General 5.2 CATI or CAPI including online data collection 5.3 Hard copy data entry 5.4 Accuracy of databases not requiring data entry 5.5 Checking data against job specifications 5.6 Data editing 5.7 Data file management 5.8 Coding 5.9 Data analysis 5.10 Electronic Data Delivery 5.11 Back up, retention and security of data 5.12 Internal audits
AS 4752-2004 specifies service levels for systems, project management and reporting, data collection, data processing and coding to be applied in market and social research projects.
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0 7337 6074 0
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Standards Australia
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This Standard specifies service levels for systems, project management and reporting, data collection, data processing and coding to be applied in market and social research projects.This Standard is applicable to Organisations and individual practitioners that supply market and social research services. Itapplies to all types of research projects and to all staff responsible for and working on research projects.
First published as AS 4752-2004.
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