AS C118-1957
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Approval and test specification for electric inspection hand-lamps
Note - due to the age of this archived document, available information is limited therfore this record is incomplete. For further details, please phone our Customer Service Centre on 131 242 (Intl +61 2 8206 6010) or email
This specification prescribes safety requirements for electric hand-lamps used on direct or alternatinc current circuits at low or extra-low voltage, excluding, however, any hand-lamp which is intended for operation at a voltage not exceeding 32 volts, and which (i) is marked with the operating voltage, and (ii) is fitted with a miniature bayonet or Edison-type screw lampholder. THis specification also excludes portable lamp standards and brackets within the scope of AS C128, and similar fittings of a decorative nature, although they may be movable and not fixed.
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Standards Australia
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