AS N63-1968
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Methods for the chemical analysis of anhydrous milk fat (clarified butter, butter oil, or ghee)
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AS 2300.8.1-1983
AS 2300.8.2-1983
AS 2300.8.6-1983
AS 2300.8.5-1983
AS 2300.8.4-1983
AS 2300.8.3-1983
Note - due to the age of this archived document, available information is limited therfore this record is incomplete. For further details, please phone our Customer Service Centre on 131 242 (Intl +61 2 8206 6010) or email
This Standard describes methods for the chemical analysis of anhydrous milk fat (also known as butter oil, clarified butter of ghee). It includes methods for the determination of moisture, fat, free fatty acid, volatile acids (Reichert, Polenske and Kirschner values), saponification value, refractive index, copper and peroxide values.
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Standards Australia
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