AS/NZS 1088.9:1995
“Obsolescent” indicates that the Standard is not recommended for new equipment or as a current practice, but it is retained in order to provide for servicing of existing equipment or requirements.

Hearing aids Immunity requirements and methods of measurement for hearing aids exposed to radiofrequency fields in the frequency range 300 MHz to 3 GHz
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Specifies electromagnetic immunity requirements to the frequency band 300 MHz to 3 GHz for hearing aids with acoustic outputs. Hearing aids worn behind the ear, in the ear and on the body are covered, including those fitted with induction pickup coils. Protection requirements are provided for operation in the general environment and test methods for assessing those requirements are included.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7262 9837 9
Pages |
ProductNote |
Please refer to IEC 60118-13 ed 3.0.
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard describes methods of measurement to determine the immunity of hearing aids to radiated radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, in the frequency range 300 MHz to 3 GHz, and specifies electromagnetic immunity requirements and test levels.The Standard applies to hearing aids delivering acoustic outputs and includes those worn-(a) behind the ear (BTE);(b) in the ear (ITE); and(c) on the body;and includes hearing aids fitted with induction pick-up coils.
First published as AS/NZS 1088.9:1995.
AS 1088.1-1987 | Hearing aids - Hearing aids with induction pick-up coil input |
AS 1089-1971 | Reference coupler for the measurement of the electro-acoustic characteristics of hearing aid earphones |
AS 1088.0-1987 | Hearing aids - Measurement of electroacoustical characteristics |
AS 1428.5-2010 | Design for access and mobility Communication for people who are deaf or hearing impaired (Reconfirmed 2016) |
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