AS/NZS 1462.29:2006
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings Plastics piping and ducting systems - Determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials in pipe form by extrapolation (ISO 9080:2003, MOD)
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Sets out a method for estimating the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials by statistical extrapolation.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7337 7295 1
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
First published as AS/NZS 1462.29:2006.
AS 1462.17-1988 | Methods of test for unplasticized PVC (UPVC) pipes and fittings Method for testing pressure pipe joints with elastomeric seals |
AS/NZS 1462.5:2002 | Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings Vicat softening temperature (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 1462.6:1998 | Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings - Method for hydrostatic pressure testing of pipes |
AS/NZS 1477:2017 | PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications |
AS/NZS 2492:2007 | Cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipes for pressure applications |
AS/NZS 3518:2013 | Acrylonitrile butadine styrene (ABS) compounds, pipes and fittings for pressure applications (Reconfirmed 2024) |
AS 4176.8-2010 | Multilayer pipes for pressure applications Multilayer pipe systems for consumer gas installations with a maximum operating pressure up to and including 5 bar (500 kPa) - Specifications for systems (ISO 17484-1:2006, MOD) |
AS ISO 6993.2-2007 | Buried, high-impact poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-HI) piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels Fittings for a maximum operating pressure of 200 mbar (20 kPa) |
AS 4176.3-2010 | Multilayer pipes for pressure applications Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water plumbing applications - Fittings (ISO 21003-3:2008, MOD) |
AS/NZS 4765:2007 | Modified PVC (PVC-M) pipes for pressure applications |
AS 4176.2-2010 | Multilayer pipes for pressure applications Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water plumbing applications - Pipes (ISO 21003-2:2008, MOD) (Reconfirmed 2022) |
AS 2943-2007 | Plastics pipes and fittings for gas reticulation - Polyamide compounds (Reconfirmed 2022) |
AS/NZS 4765:2017 | Modified PVC (PVC-M) pipes for pressure applications |
AS/NZS 4131:2010 | Polyethylene (PE) compounds for pressure pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2022) |
AS ISO 6993.3-2007 | Buried, high-impact poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-HI) piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels Fittings and saddles for a maximum operating pressure of 1 bar (100 kPa) |
AS/NZS 2642.2:2008 | Polybutylene (PB) plumbing pipe systems Polybutylene (PB) pipe for hot and cold water applications (Reconfirmed 2022) |
AS ISO 6993.1-2007 | Buried, high-impact poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-HI) piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels Pipes for a maximum operating pressure of 1 bar (100 kPa) (ISO 6993-1:2006, MOD) |
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