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AS/NZS 1477:2017



The latest, up-to-date edition.

PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications

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Specifies requirements for PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications for use below ground or above ground, where they are not exposed to direct sunlight.

978 1 76035 779 5
Standards Australia

This Standard specifies requirements for PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications for use below ground or above ground, where they are not exposed to direct sunlight.Appendix B sets out additional requirements for pipes and fittings classed as best environmental practice PVC-U for pressure applications.NOTE: Requirements for the installation and use of pipes and fittings manufactured to this Standard are set out in AS/NZS 2032 and AS/NZS 2566.1, as applicable.

Originated in Australia in part as AS K138-1963.
Originated in New Zealand as NZS 7648:1987.
Previous edition AS/NZS 1477:2006.
Fourth edition 2017.

AS ISO 7.2-2008 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads Verification by means of limit gauges (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS/NZS 1462.19:2006 Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings C-ring test for fracture toughness of PVC pipes (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS/NZS ISO 14001:2016 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
AS/NZS 1462.3:1998 Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings Method for determining the impact characteristics of pipes (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS/NZS 1462.8:2008 Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings Method of testing the leaktightness of assemblies (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS ISO/IEC 17050.2-2005 Conformity assessment - Supplier’s declaration of conformity Supporting documentation (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 1462.29:2006 Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings Plastics piping and ducting systems - Determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials in pipe form by extrapolation (ISO 9080:2003, MOD)
AS/NZS 1462.15:1996 Methods of test for PVC pipes and fittings Method for determination of vinyl chloride monomer content (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 1646-2007 Elastomeric seals for waterworks purposes (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS ISO/IEC 17050.1-2005 Conformity assessment - Supplier’s declaration of conformity General requirements (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 2032:2006 Installation of PVC pipe systems (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 1462.1:2006 Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings Method for determining the dimensions of pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 2544:1995 Grey iron pressure fittings
AS 1199.1-2003 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 1462.20:1996 Methods of test for PVC pipes and fittings Method for the determination of long-term failure stress of PVC moulding compounds (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS ISO/IEC 17025-2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS ISO 7.1-2008 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads Dimensions, tolerances and designation
AS/NZS 3500.0:2003 Plumbing and drainage Glossary of terms
AS/NZS 1462.16:2006 Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings Method for high temperature testing of pipe (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS/NZS 1462.6:2008 Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the transport of fluids under pressure - Resistance to internal pressure (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 2888.1-2002 Methods of testing plastics waste fittings Method of determining the suitability of connection threads of BSP form (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS/NZS 1462.11:1996 Methods of test for PVC pipes and fittings Method for high temperature stress-relief testing of fittings (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS/NZS 1462.4:2002 Methods of test for plastics pipes and fittings Method for determining reversion of plastics pipes (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS/NZS 2280:2014 Ductile iron pipes and fittings
AS/NZS 2566.1:1998 Buried flexible pipelines Structural design
AS/NZS 4020:2005 Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water
AS 681.1-2008 Elastomeric seals - Material requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications Vulcanized rubber
AS/NZS 3879:2011 Solvent cements and priming fluids for PVC (PVC-U and PVC-M) and ABS and ASA pipes and fittings
AS 1722.2-1992 Pipe threads of Whitworth form Fastening pipe threads (Reconfirmed 2017)

AS 2118.1:2017 Automatic fire sprinkler systems General systems
AS/NZS 3500.2:2018 Plumbing and drainage Sanitary plumbing and drainage
AS/NZS 3500.1:2018 Plumbing and drainage Water Services
AS/NZS 4645.1:2018 Gas distribution networks Network management
AS 4793:2020 Mechanical tapping bands for waterworks purposes
AS 2419.1:2017 Fire hydrant installations System design, installation and commissioning
AS/NZS 4020:2018 Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water
AS/NZS 4645.3:2018 Gas distribution networks Plastics pipe systems
AS 1839:2021 Swimming pools - Premoulded fibre-reinforced plastics - Installation
AS/NZS 3500.3:2018 Plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage

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