AS/NZS 3629.5:2013
The latest, up-to-date edition.
Methods of testing child restraints Determination of quick-release device and low attachment connector actuation force (Reconfirmed 2024)
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This Standard sets out the method for determining the force needed to be applied to the actuation surface of a quick-release device or a lower attachment connector for them to disengage. It also sets out the method for determining any reduction of the release force due to fatigue of any spring in the release mechanism of these devices. The test method is intended to apply to lower attachment connectors that are attached to flexible straps as well as lower attachment connectors rigidly attached to a base structure that may require actuation by either pulling or pushing.
Committee |
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978 1 74342 413 1
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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Supersedes |
This Standard sets out the method for determining the force needed to be applied to the actuation surface of a quick-release device or a lower attachment connector for them to disengage. It also sets out the method for determining any reduction of the release force due to fatigue of any spring in the release mechanism of these devices.The test method is intended to apply to lower attachment connectors that are attached to flexible straps as well as lower attachment connectors rigidly attached to a base structure that may require actuation by either pulling or pushing.
Originated as AS/NZS 3629.5:1995.
Second edition 2013.
AS/NZS 1754:2010 | Child restraint systems for use in motor vehicles |
AS/NZS 8005:2013 | Accessories for child restraints for use in motor vehicles |
AS/NZS 1754:2013 | Child restraint systems for use in motor vehicles |
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