ASTM E 2145 : 2007
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Standard Practice for Information Modeling
Hardcopy , PDF
CONTAINED IN VOL. 14.01, 2015 Describes organizational policies and procedures, where modeling is best used and recommended modeling methods, best practices and evaluation criteria.
Committee |
E 31
DocumentType |
Standard Practice
Pages |
ProductNote |
Reconfirmed 2007
PublisherName |
American Society for Testing and Materials
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
1.1 Information models are increasingly important in the analysis, design, and sharing a common understanding in information engineering, in business process improvement, in building information systems, in developing informatics standards, and in many other uses.
1.2 The purpose of this practice is to identify best practices for the creation, use, and assessment of various types of information models.
1.3 Included in this practice are recommended organizational policies and procedures, where modeling is best used and recommended modeling methods, best practices and evaluation criteria.
1.4 Excluded from this practice are detailed specifications of modeling techniques that are specified or described in other sources.
ASTM E 2473 : 2005 : R2011 | Standard Practice for the Occupational/Environmental Health View of the Electronic Health Record (Withdrawn 2020) |
ASTM E 2538 : 2006 : R2011 | Standard Practice for Defining and Implementing Pharmacotherapy Information Services within the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Environment and Networked Architectures (Withdrawn 2020) |
ISO/IEC 11179-4:2004 | Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 4: Formulation of data definitions |
ISO/IEC 11179-3:2013 | Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes |
ISO/IEC 11179-5:2015 | Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 5: Naming principles |
ISO/IEC 19501:2005 | Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2 |
ISO 8601:2004 | Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times |
ISO 1087:1990 | Terminology — Vocabulary |
ISO/IEC 11179-6:2015 | Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 6: Registration |
ISO/IEC 11179-2:2005 | Information technology Metadata registries (MDR) Part 2: Classification |
ISO/IEC 11179-1:2015 | Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 1: Framework |
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