BS 1982-1:1990
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials of organic origin Method for determination of resistance to wood-rotting Basidiomycetes
Committees responsible
1 Scope
2 Principle
3 Materials and reagents
4 Apparatus and facilities
5 Sampling
6 Test specimens
7 Preparation of test materials
8 Preparation of culture vessels and inoculation with
test fungi
9 Exposure to fungi
10 Examination after exposure to fungal attack
11 Validity of the test
12 Assessment of results
13 Test report
A Determination of water holding capacity (WHC) of
B Methods of sterilization
C Testing the decay resistance of panel products
D Calculations
E Calculation of decay susceptibility index (DSI)
F Example of a test report including table of results
1 Test fungi
1 Test assemblies
Loss of mass caused by white or brown rot fungi is used to determine the inherent resistance of panel products, the resistance conferred by preservative chemical, and/or the decay susceptibility index of treated or untreated panel products.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes BS 1982(1968) (07/2004) Supersedes 87/52051 DC (06/2005) Reviewed and confirmed by BSI, November 2008. (11/2008)
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
BS 5669-3:1992 | Particleboard Specification for oriented strand board (OSB) |
BS 6009:1982 | Wood preservatives. Determination of the toxic values against wood destroying Basidiomycetes cultured on an agar medium |
BS 2011-2.2J:1977 | Environmental testing. Guidance Test J. Mould growth |
BS 1982-0:1990 | Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials of organic origin Guide to methods for determination |
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