BS 3680-10D:1986
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Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Sediment transport Methods for determination of concentration, particle size distribution and relative density of sediment in streams and canals
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National foreword
Committees responsible
0. Introduction
1. Scope and field of application
2. References
3. Definitions
4. Units of measurement
5. Properties of sediment
6. Sampling
7. Concentration
8. Particle size analysis
9. Determination of relative density
10. Determination of particle size distribution
11. Data processing
A. Determination of the concentration of suspended
sediment by the evaporation method
B. Determination of the concentration of suspended
sediment by the filtration method using filter
C. Determination of the concentration of suspended
sediment by the filtration method using Gooch
fritted glass crucibles
D. Determination of the particle size distribution
of suspended sediment
E. Determination of the particle size distribution
of bed load and bed material
F. Determination of relative density
G. Determination of particle size distribution
1. Time after which hydrometer readings are to be taken
in relation to the temperature of the sample
2. Time taken for particles of diameter greater than
0,062 mm to fall through a 10 cm column of water
in various times and at different temperatures
4. Guide to selection of correct tube size
5. Computation of geometric mean diameter and
arithmetic mean diameter
1. Definition sketch
2. Example of a histogram for presentation of particle
size distribution
3. Example of a frequency polygon for presentation
of particle size distribution
4. Example of a cumulative frequency curve for
presentation of particle size distribution
5. Hydrometer
6. Particle diameter versus settling velocity
7. Essential features of a mechanical siltometer for
sediment (0,06 to 0,60 mm)
8. Example of a bottom withdrawal tube
9. Example of an Oden curve (constant depth, variable
10. Visual accumulation tube
11. Visual accumulation tube mechanisms
12. Calibrated charts for the analysis of sands by the
visual accumulation tube method using a 1800 mm
13. Calibration chart for the analysis of sands by the
visual accumulation tube method using a 1200 mm
14. Typical curves from a visual accumulation tube
analysis using a 1200 mm tube
15. Typical curves from a visual accumulation tube
analysis using a 1200 mm tube
16. Determination of percentile points and geometric
standard deviation
Detailed methods of analysis are set out in six annexes.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 4365:2005 | Identical |
BS 3680-10C:1996 | Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Sediment transport Guide to methods of sampling of sand-bed and cohesive-bed materials |
ISO 4363:2002 | Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Methods for measurement of characteristics of suspended sediment |
ISO 772:1996 | Hydrometric determinations — Vocabulary and symbols |
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