BS 3680-4A:1981
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Weirs and flumes Method using thin-plate weirs
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Cooperating organizations
1 Scope and field of application
2 References
3 Definitions
4 Units of measurement
5 Principle
6 Installation
7 Measurement of head
8 Maintenance
9 Rectangular thin-plate weir
10 Triangular thin-plate weir
11 Accuracy of discharge measurement
12 Examples of uncertainty calculations
1 Discharge of water over a "V"-notch with
tan (alpha/2) = 1 (alpha = pi/2 radians or 90 deg)
2 Discharge of water over a "V"-notche with
tan (alpha/2) = 1/2 (alpha = 0.927 3 radian or
53 degrees 8')
3 Discharge of water over a "V"-notch with
tan (alpha/2) = 1/4 (alpha = 0,489 9 radians,
28 degrees 4')
1 Examples of normal velocity distribution in
rectangular channels
2 Rectangular-notch, thin-plate weir
3 Determination of gauge-zero for rectangular weir
4 Coefficient of discharge Ce = a + a' (h/p)
5 Value of kb related to b/B
6 Triangular-notch, thin-plate weir
7 Coefficient of discharge Ce (alpha = 90 degrees)
8 Coefficient of discharge Ce related to notch angle
9 Value of kh related to notch angle alpha
A (informative) Flow measurement with small weir tanks
B (informative) Guide to the design and installation of a
flow straightener
Specifies the installation, head measurement and assessment of the accuracy of discharge formulae for 2 types of weir - rectangular thin-plate and triangular notch thin-plate weirs. Also covers the assessment of the accuracy of discharge measurement.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 77/31876 DC (07/2005)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
ISO 4373:2008 | Hydrometry Water level measuring devices |
BS 3680-1:1983 | Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Glossary of terms |
BS 3680-4C:1981 | Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Weirs and flumes Flumes |
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