BS 4617:1983
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Methods for determining the performance of pumps and motors for hydraulic fluid power transmission
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Cooperating organizations
0 Introduction
1 Scope
2 Definitions
3 Symbols and units
4 Test installations
5 Test procedures
6 Test report
A Energy balance in a hydraulic unit
B Use of practical units
C Errors and classes of measurement
D Pretest check list
1 Symbols and units
2 Subscripts
3 Permissible variation in indicated fluid temperature
4 Limits of permissible variation of mean indicated
values of controlled parameters
5 Practical units
6 Permissible systematic errors of measuring
instruments as determined during calibration
1 Test circuit for pump unit (open circuit)
2 Test circuit for pump unit (closed circuit)
3 Test circuit for motor unit
4 Pump performance against outlet pressure
5 Pump performance against rotational frequency
6 Motor performance against rotational frequency
7 Integral transmission performance
Describes methods for determining the performance and efficiency of positive displacement pumps, motors and integral transmissions and lays down requirements for the test installations, test procedures and the methods of presenting the test results.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 81/78690 DC (08/2005)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
BS 7275-3:1995 | Determination of hydraulic fluid power motor characteristics Method at constant flow and at constant torque |
PD 6461-3:1995 | General metrology Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) |
PD 6461-4:2004 | General metrology Practical guide to measurement uncertainty |
PD 6461-2:1980 | General metrology Vocabulary of legal metrology (VLM) |
PD 6461-1:1985 | Vocabulary of metrology Basic and general terms (international) |
ISO 6073:1997 | Petroleum products Prediction of the bulk moduli of petroleum fluids used in hydraulic power systems |
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