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BS 4987-1:1993



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas. Specification for constituent materials and for mixtures

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Committees responsible
Section 1. General
1. Scope
2. Definitions
3. Sampling and testing
4. Constituent materials
Section 2. Requirements for coated macadams
5. Group one: roadbase mixtures
5.1 40 mm size dense roadbase, including DBM, DBM 50
     and HDM
5.2 28 mm size dense roadbase, including DBM, DBM 50
     and HDM (Preferred mixture)
6. Group two: basecourse mixtures
6.1 20 mm size open graded basecourse
6.2 40 mm size single course
6.3 40 mm size dense basecourse, including DBM, DBM 50
     and HDM
6.4 28 mm size dense basecourse, including DBM, DBM 50
     and HDM
6.5 20 mm size dense basecourse, including DBM, DBM 50
     and HDM (Preferred mixture)
7. Group three: wearing course mixtures
7.1 14 mm size open graded wearing course
7.2 10 mm size open graded wearing course
7.3 14 mm size close graded wearing course (Preferred
7.4 10 mm size close graded wearing course (Preferred
7.5 6 mm size dense wearing course (Preferred mixture)
7.6 6 mm size medium graded wearing course (Preferred
7.7 3 mm size fine graded wearing course
7.8 Coated chippings for fine graded wearing course
7.9 Coated grit
8. Group four: porous asphalt wearing course mixtures
8.1 20 mm size porous asphalt wearing course
8.2 10 mm size porous asphalt wearing course
Section 3. Preparation of mixtures
9. Mixing
A. Recommended storage temperatures for binders
B. Guidance on the selection of materials and mixtures
C. Information to be supplied by the purchaser
1. Aggregate grading for 40 mm size dense roadbase
2. Binder content and grade for 40 mm size dense
3. Aggregate grading for 28 mm size dense roadbase
4. Binder content and grade for 28 mm size dense
5. Aggregate grading for 20 mm size open graded
6. Binder content for 20 mm size open graded basecourse
7. Grade of binder for 20 mm size open graded basecourse
8. Aggregate grading for 40 mm size single course
9. Binder content for 40 mm size single course
10. Grade of binder for 40 mm size single course
11. Aggregate grading for 40 mm size dense basecourse
12. Binder content and grade for 40 mm size dense
13. Aggregate grading for 28 mm size dense basecourse
14. Binder content and grade for 28 mm size dense
15. Aggregate grading for 20 mm size dense basecourse
16. Binder content and grade for 20 mm size dense
17. Aggregate grading for 14 mm size open graded wearing
18. Binder content for 14 mm size open graded wearing
19. Grade of binder for 14 mm size open graded wearing
20. Aggregate grading for 10 mm size open graded wearing
21. Binder content for 10 mm size open graded wearing
22. Grade of binder for 10 mm size open graded wearing
23. Aggregate grading for 14 mm size close graded
    wearing course
24. Binder content for 14 mm size close graded wearing
25. Grade of binder for 14 mm size close graded wearing
26. Aggregate grading for 10 mm size close graded
    wearing course
27. Binder content for 10 mm size close graded wearing
28. Grade of binder for 10 mm size close graded wearing
29. Aggregate grading for 6 mm size dense wearing course
30. Binder content for 6 mm size dense wearing course
31. Grade of binder for 6 mm size dense wearing course
32. Aggregate grading for 6 mm size medium graded
    wearing course
33. Binder content and grade for 6 mm size medium graded
    wearing course
34. Aggregate grading for 3 mm size fine graded wearing
35. Binder content for 3 mm size fine graded wearing
36. Grade of binder for 3 mm size fine graded wearing
37. Aggregate grading for 20 mm size porous asphalt
    wearing course
38. Binder content and grade for 20 mm size porous
    asphalt wearing course
39. Aggregate grading for 10 mm size porous asphalt
    wearing course
40. Binder content and grade for 10 mm size porous
    asphalt wearing course
41. Maximum temperatures of mixed macadam
42. Recommended storage temperatures for binders

Specifies the requirements for all types of coated macadam to be laid as roadbase (group one), basecourse (group two), wearing course (group the) or porous asphalt course (group four) for roads and other paved areas apart from heavy duty airfield pavements. Coverage includes definitions, constituent materials, mixing. Also includes detailed tables and appendices.

Supersedes BS 4987: Part 1: 1988. DRAFT FOR COMMENT 92/14302 DC - DRAFT 93/110543 DC REFERS TO AMD 2
British Standards Institution

BS 812-103.1:1985 Testing aggregates. Method for determination of particle size distribution Sieve tests
BS 4987-2:1993 Specification for transport, laying and compaction
BS 434-1:1984 Bitumen road emulsions (anionic and cationic) Specification for bitumen road emulsions
BS 434-2:1984 Bitumen road emulsions (anionic and cationic) Code of practice for use of bitumen road emulsions
BS 76:1974 Specification for tars for road purposes
BS 598-102:1989 Sampling and examination of bituminous mixtures for roads and other paved areas Analytical test methods
BS 598-104:1989 Sampling and examination of bituminous mixtures for roads and other paved areas Methods of test for the determination of density and compaction

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