BS 6311:1982
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Methods for measuring television tape machine parameters
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National foreword
Cooperating organizations
1 Scope
2 Diameter of the headwheel (or drum)
3 Projection of video head pole tips
4 Radius of curvature of the vacuum guide
5 Longitudinal pitch of the video tracks
6 Position of recorded vertical synchronisation signal
7 Coplanarity error of video heads
8 Video track curvature
9 Location of control track record along the tape
10 Jitter of reproduced picture
11 Velocity errors: applicable to PAL and NTSC
12 Video signal-to-noise ratio
13 Differential gain
14 Differential phase
15 Moire
16 Measuring methods applicable to other subjects
1 Method of measurement of the radius of curvature of
the vacuum guide
2 Method of measurement of video-track curvature for
helical-scan recorders
Gives methods for measuring fourteen mechanical and electrical characteristics of professional 2-inch quadruplex video tape recorders.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Implements CENELEC HD 439.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
BS EN 61105:1994 | Specification for reference tapes for video tape recorder systems |
BS EN 60735:1992 | Methods for measurement of video tape properties |
IEC 60347:1982 | Transverse track recorders |
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