BS 7253-1:1993
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Non-metallic materials for surgical implants Specification for acrylic resin cement
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Committees responsible
National foreword
1. Scope
2. Definitions
3. Liquid component
4. Powder component
5. Liquid-powder mixture intended for syringe usage
6. Liquid-powder mixture intended for use in dough
7. Set and cured cement
8. Packaging
9. Labelling
A. (normative) Method for determination of stability
of liquid component
B. (normative) Method for determination of doughing
time of liquid-powder mixture of cement intended
for dough usage
C. (normative) Method for determination of maximum
temperature and setting time of liquid-powder
D. (normative) Method for determination of intrusion
of liquid-powder mixture of cement intended for
dough usage
E. (normative) Method for determination of compressive
strength of cement
F. (normative) Method for determination of bending
modulus and bending strength of cement
1. Requirements and test methods for setting properties
of liquid-powder mixtures
2. Requirements and test methods for set and cured
1. Example of graph showing working data for cement
intended for dough usage
2. Example of graph showing working data for cement
intended for syringe use
C.1 Mould for determination of maximum temperature and
setting time
C.2 Typical curve for determination of maximum
temperature and setting time
D.1 Mould for determination of intrusion
E.1 Mould for preparing compressive strength test
E.2 Idealized load/deformation curve for cement
F.1 Four-point bend test rig
Requirements for composition, physical performance and packaging of self-curing resins based on polymethyl methacrylate, primarily used for the fixation of orthopaedic joint prostheses. Does not cover toxicity or biocompatibility aspects.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes BS 7253: Part 1: 1990
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 5833:2002 | Identical |
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