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BS EN 61577-4:2014



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Radiation protection instrumentation. Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments Equipment for the production of reference atmospheres containing radon isotopes and their decay products (STAR)

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1 Scope and object
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and units
4 General description of a System for
  Test Atmospheres with Radon (STAR)
5 Characteristics of a STAR
6 Requirements for the reference atmosphere
  provided by STAR
7 Calibration and traceability of measurement
  methods and instruments used in a STAR
Annex A (informative) Characteristics of atmospheres
        that can be simulated in a STAR
Annex ZA (normative) - Normative references to
         international publications with their
         corresponding European publications

Describes the general features concerning test and calibration of radon and radon decay products measuring instruments. It is also intended to help define type tests, which have to be conducted in order to qualify these instruments.

Renumbers and supersedes BS IEC 61577-4. 2014 Version incorporates corrigendum to BS IEC 61577-4. Supersedes 07/30122906 DC. (02/2015)
British Standards Institution

The IEC 61577 series covers the general features concerning test and calibration of radon and radon decay products measuring instruments. It is also intended to help define type tests, which have to be conducted in order to qualify these instruments. These type tests are described in IEC 61577-2 and IEC 61577-3. This standard addresses only the instruments and associated methods for measuring isotopes 220 and 222 of radon and their subsequent short-lived decay products in gases.

IEC 61577-4 concerns the System for Test Atmospheres with Radon (STAR) needed for testing, in a reference atmosphere, the instruments measuring radon and RnDP. The clauses that follow do neither claim to solve all the problems involved in the production of equipment for setting up reference atmospheres for radon and its decay products, nor to describe all the methods for doing so. They do however set out to be a guide enabling those faced with such problems to choose the best methods for adoption in full knowledge of the facts.

Standards Relationship
EN 61577-4:2014 Identical

ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
IEC 60050-394:2007 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 394: Nuclear instrumentation - Instruments, systems, equipment and detectors
ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007 International vocabulary of metrology Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM)
IEC 60050-111:1996 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 111: Physics and chemistry
IEC 60050-393:2003 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 393: Nuclear instrumentation - Physical phenomena and basic concepts

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