BS EN 61966-5:2009
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Multimedia systems and equipment. Colour measurement and management Equipment using plasma display panels
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Letters and symbols
5 Conditions
5.1 Environmental conditions
5.2 Conditions of measurements
5.3 Input digital data
6 Measurement equipment
6.1 Spectroradiometer
6.2 Colorimeter
7 Spectral characteristics and intensity of the primaries
and white
7.1 Characteristics to be measured
7.2 Measurement conditions
7.3 Method of measurement
7.4 Presentation of results
8 Basic colorimetric characteristics
8.1 Characteristics to be measured
8.2 Method of calculation
8.3 Presentation of results
9 Tone characteristics
9.1 Characteristics to be measured
9.2 Measurement conditions
9.3 Method of measurement
9.4 Presentation of results
10 Inter-channel dependency
10.1 Characteristics to be measured
10.2 Measurement conditions
10.3 Method of measurement
10.4 Presentation of results
11 Spatial non-uniformity
11.1 Characteristics to be measured
11.2 Measurement conditions
11.3 Method of measurement
11.4 Presentation of results
12 Temporal stability
12.1 Short-term stability
12.1.1 Characteristics to be measured
12.1.2 Measurement conditions
12.1.3 Method of measurement
12.1.4 Presentation of results
12.2 Mid-term stability
12.2.1 Characteristics to be measured
12.2.2 Measurement conditions
12.2.3 Method of measurement
12.2.4 Presentation of results
13 Surface reflection
13.1 Characteristics to be measured
13.2 Measurement conditions
13.3 Method of measurement
13.4 Presentation of results
14 Display area ratio characteristics
14.1 Characteristics to be measured
14.2 Measurement conditions
14.3 Method of measurement
14.4 Presentation of results
Annex ZA (normative) - Normative references to international
publications with their corresponding European
Describes input test signals, measurement conditions, methods of measurement and reporting of the measured data, to be used for colour characterization and colour management of plasma display panels in multimedia systems.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
IEC 61966-5:2008 defines input test signals, measurement conditions, methods of measurement and reporting of the measured data, to be used for colour characterization and colour management of plasma display panels in multimedia systems. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2000. It includes the following significant technical changes: Annex A has been deleted as it is no longer relevant. This bilingual version (2012-11) corresponds to the monolingual English version, published in 2008-11.
Standards | Relationship |
DIN EN 61966-5:2010-02 | Identical |
I.S. EN 61966-5:2009 | Identical |
SN EN 61966-5 : 2001 | Identical |
EN 61966-5:2009 | Identical |
UNE-EN 61966-5:2010 | Identical |
NBN EN 61966-5 : 2009 | Identical |
IEC 61966-5:2008 | Identical |
IEC TR 61282-14:2016 | Identical |
EN 61966-3:2000 | Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 3: Equipment using cathode ray tubes |
IEC 61966-3:2000 | Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 3: Equipment using cathode ray tubes |
IEC 61966-2-1:1999 | Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB |
IEC 60050-845:1987 | International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 845: Lighting |
ISO/CIE 10527:1991 | CIE standard colorimetric observers |
ASTM E 1341 : 2016 : REDLINE | Standard Practice for Obtaining Spectroradiometric Data from Radiant Sources for Colorimetry |
ISO 5-4:2009 | Photography and graphic technology — Density measurements — Part 4: Geometric conditions for reflection density |
ISO/CIE 10526:1999 | CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry |
ISO 9241-8:1997 | Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) Part 8: Requirements for displayed colours |
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 | Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) |
ASTM E 1455 : 2017 : REDLINE | Standard Practice for Obtaining Colorimetric Data from a Visual Display Unit Using Tristimulus Colorimeters |
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