BS ISO 11352:2012
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Water quality. Estimation of measurement uncertainty based on validation and quality control data
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols
5 Principle
6 Procedure
7 Preparative considerations for the estimation
of measurement uncertainty
8 Evaluation of available precision and bias data
9 Calculation of the combined standard uncertainty
10 Calculation of the expanded uncertaintyainty
11 Estimation of measurement uncertainty from
reproducibility standard deviation
12 Report
Annex A (normative) - Estimation of the standard
uncertainty from range control charts
Annex B (informative) - Examples of the estimation
of measurement uncertainty
Describes methods for the estimation of measurement uncertainty of chemical and physicochemical methods in single laboratories based on validation data and analytical quality control results obtained within the field of water analysis.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 10/30174936 DC. (07/2012)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
This International Standard specifies methods for the estimation of measurement uncertainty of chemical and physicochemical methods in single laboratories based on validation data and analytical quality control results obtained within the field of water analysis.
NOTE1 The principles of the estimation of uncertainty specified in this International Standard are consistent with the principles described in ISO/IEC Guide98-3.
In this International Standard, the quantification of measurement uncertainty relies on performance characteristics of a measurement procedure obtained from validation and the results of internal and external quality control.
NOTE2 The approaches specified in this International Standard are mainly based on QUAM[11], NEN7779[8], Nordtest TR 537[10], and Eurolab TR 1[9].
NOTE3 This International Standard only addresses the evaluation of measurement uncertainty for results obtained from quantitative measurement procedures. The uncertainties associated with results obtained from qualitative procedures are not considered.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 11352:2012 | Identical |
ISO 13528:2015 | Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison |
ISO 10304-1:2007 | Water quality Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions Part 1: Determination of bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and sulfate |
ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007 | International vocabulary of metrology Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) |
ISO 3534-2:2006 | Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 2: Applied statistics |
ISO 5725-2:1994 | Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method |
ISO 21748:2017 | Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty evaluation |
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 | Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) |
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