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BS ISO 11382:2010



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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Optics and photonics. Optical materials and components. Characterization of optical materials used in the infrared spectral range from 0,78 μm to 25 μm

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Superseded date


Superseded by

BS ISO 11382:2022



Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols and units
5 Nomenclature
6 Optical properties
7 Other properties

Gives guidelines for the description of data sheets for infrared materials. Also provides the nomenclature and the properties of infrared materials which are reported on such data sheets. These data sheets do not necessarily contain information on every property identified here. Describes the parameters needed to characterize optical materials intended for use in the infrared spectral range from 0,78 [mu]m to 25 [mu]m and provides various methods to be used for measuring these parameters.

Supersedes 09/30192061 DC. (01/2011)
British Standards Institution

This International Standard provides guidelines for the description of data sheets for infrared materials. It specifies the nomenclature and the properties of infrared materials which are reported on such data sheets. These data sheets do not necessarily contain information on every property identified in this International Standard.

This International Standard also specifies the parameters needed to characterize optical materials intended for use in the infrared spectral range from 0,78µm to 25µm and provides various methods to be used for measuring these parameters.

This International Standard is applicable only to materials used in the manufacture of passive optical components. The properties of materials used in active applications (e.g. optoelectronics) are not taken into account.

Materials specified in this International Standard can also transmit in other spectral domains (microwaves, visible or ultraviolet).

Standards Relationship
ISO 11382:2010 Identical

ISO 11455:1995 Raw optical glass Determination of birefringence
ISO 10110-2:1996 Optics and optical instruments Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems Part 2: Material imperfections Stress birefringence
ISO 15368:2001 Optics and optical instruments Measurement of reflectance of plane surfaces and transmittance of plane parallel elements
IEC 60050-845:1987 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 845: Lighting
ISO 10110-3:1996 Optics and optical instruments Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems Part 3: Material imperfections Bubbles and inclusions
ISO 12123:2010 Optics and photonics Specification of raw optical glass
ISO 80000-7:2008 Quantities and units Part 7: Light
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995)

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